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Malbog Oakshire
Status Active
Race Gor'Tog
Gender Male
Guild Trader
Instance Prime,premium,


You see Trading Phenom Malbog Oakshire of Elanthia, a Gor'Tog.
He has gold eyes. He has dark green skin.
He is wizened.

He is wearing pair of calico boots, a brown and green mottled Boar Clan jersey, a matted yak-hair cloak, a sturdy leather haversack emblazoned with a togball, a heavy leather backpack emblazoned with a togball match and some badly stained breeches.


Birthday: He was born on the 36th day of the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Crystal Snow Hare, 342 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.