Natural born killers

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Revision as of 14:32, 25 January 2022 by DIMINISHEDANGEL (talk | contribs)
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Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate due to this group's status as a player-run organization. Because these types of articles are maintained by players about players, there is always the risk of alteration due to malice or desire for anonymity. This page will be monitored by the staff; please do not allow it to become a battleground. -The Elanthipedia Moderators

Background and Information

The Natural Born Killers are a loose organization of players that engage in group skirmishes with the other two major PvP factions, the Ravens and Bardbarians. They are nominally based in Dirge, but control no territory and have no governing allegiances such as the Bardbarians' loyalty to the Barony of Therengia. They exist primarily foster OOC enjoyment of player-versus-player conflict, both individually and in groups. As such, they are nominally an OOC organization, and many of the fights (such as between IC friends or family members) are not considered in-character.

Mission Statement


History Placeholder


Crest Placeholder

Known Members

Name Nickname Rank
Person Nickname Rank
Person Nickname Rank
Person Nickname Rank
Person Nickname Rank
Person Nickname Rank

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