Cambrinth Hattery/Volume 4

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Raiding The Big Salt Aisle

Before the fight-ening, people are making preparations. Some even referred to the assault as “taking the fight to the island of the lich” which is kind of strange, since its already been there, and this has been an offensive campaign. This reporter needs to make his way to A-can-of-mackerel to bring you a closer look at the action. This reporter could probably just use a mirror, but forgetting is half the battle.

Upon arriving at the tavern, where most bad choices begin, one is instantly engulfed in the cult-like gathering, where people don’t know what they’re doing, but by Chadatru they’re going to do it anyway, even if failure means death. It was a beautiful scene, one person was singing, one was planning loudly, a few were spouting near-propaganda spun tales, as people do in taverns.

After taking a nap and finding some stray peanuts to eat, I realized that listening to the post-planning plan about the meeting about the post-plan planning of a meeting was really boring, but they have an airship, so that’s pretty cool. Im gonna watch the fight from up there, away from the news I got paid to report on, but with a nice view.

They’ve started discussing names of people that they plan on fighting, I don’t recognize anyone, but other people seemed to. Large swaths of heads nodded simultaneously, like some sort of beehive behavior.

A strange looking fellow who looks kind of sick, and not all the way there if were being honest, started laying out heavy plan details. Everyone seemed to know him, maybe he is the leader, I’m not actually sure, I was given a woefully small amount of information when I undertook this assignment..

After watching a chained ogre kill a kraken for his freedom, and the humidity of the ship rising drastically from everyone on board losing air at him hoisting heavy things up high, I boarded an ornithopter to the Airship.

Upon Arrival to the Airship, I am greeted by the sight of two gnomes in cages. It seems the caged gnomes were being used as weapons. The clear air was too clear, so I smoked myself a pipe of mint tobacco, much better.

The bloodlust of the attacking forces seems to know no bounds, with attempts at recruiting this reporter into firing wanton electricity towards the battlefield by way of encaged gnomes. To avoid more questioning, I retreated to the observation deck where the Ships dashing captain was hard at work fixing the Telescope. A halfling of good tastes, he too seemingly just wanted to watch. My viewing was cut short when a fellow onlooker wanted to get a better view, I think they were an artist, who also does some writing or something.

I suddenly appeared in a labyrinth and had to figure out how to get out. It was not easy, and it was gross. I had the strange urge to join a decaying mass of flesh, but I fought it off and made my way back to the airship.

Some time passed, and then I saw this giant skeletal form rise out of the manor and grow, and open a strange gate with his enormous sword. Ground forces and air forces alike started firing at him with siege weapons, staggering him.

I was heavily distracted by the craftsmanship of the airship, and totally missed out on how, but somehow the naval powers hurt him and I caught a glimpse of him retreating.

Im not sure who won this battle, but the spooky guy isn’t dead, the Moglin guy with one hand seemed to think he had less influence in the area and had to focus on himself for a while though. That should be good for the Moglins, they trade by ship. There were a lot of people dying though.