Talk:Glyph of Light walkthrough
Eamonn turns to you and speaks, "Congratulations Ardanael, you have again reached a milestone in yer career. You have shown promise as a guiding light in the Guild, a beacon in a sea of lost souls, and a blazing star in a world of darkness and despair. It is now time for you to learn how to harness and focus this illuminating force. It is time to learn of the Glyph of Light."
Eamonn smiles broadly and traces a strange glyph before himself. A glowing quintet of spheres begins a slow dance around his head.
"The Glyph of Light will call forth light from your soul that will repel the darkness from yer presence. These spheres will surround yer very being with a brilliant light, illuminating the area around you, making you more aware of your surroundings and conscious of the movements of those who oppose you."
"The noble and just Paladin is the only true source of this Light. Focus on the purity within yer soul and, with proper training, it can be harnessed and used to show others our way. Just as we strive to light the Path for our brothers and sisters, so should we light the way for those heathens in need of guidance and correction."
Eamonn glances at you and continues, "The power is within you. What is now required, is proof of yer devotion and yer promise to following the Path."
"Yer test be a simple one, Ardanael. You must take this torch into the Chapel and pray. After you receive yer guidance, continue on yer pilgrimmage to the Guild in The Crossing and speak to Verika. It is there that you will prove your dedication and concentration."
Eamonn hands you an unlit torch.