Nefis/Logs/20210724 Sivroch

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[General][Sivroch] "I see some of you have arrived. To our isle in ten minutes supplicants. We have much to discuss."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Yes, we await your arrival, Mysteriarch"

[General][Kauga] "Kauga not know what Mystery Arch means. Kauga think there might be prize there?"

[General][Aislynn] "Not all prizes are worth having, Kauga."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "There are always rewards for those willing to pay the price, Kauga"

[General][Whiteburn] "I have heard much of you, she-beast. Now, I have heard your thoughts. Hear you mine, and know that I am Whiteburn, Servant of Drogor. The sands of your life within the hourglass drain apace. Ware you well."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I hesitate to think she is at all threatened by you, Inquisitor. She has made short work of your betters, and fought even avatars of the Gods and come back victorious. What threat are *you*?"

[General][Madigan] "She still have the imprint of my holy sword on her cheek? That should remind her very well of the threat."

[General][Apollys] "What threat does Sivroch pose against the favored? She will never kill any of us in a way that is meaningful."

A faint thrumming overhead can be heard, and you see a winged form speeding towards the area. Catching her lateral movement with an intense *woosh* of buzzing wing beats, Sivroch drops from the sky and slams into the ground, rising to her full height and glancing around. Her five eyes linger on you for a moment.

Inneth kneels down.

You bob a brief, respectful bow towards Sivroch.

[Basalt Isle, Needle Passage]
A single huge, toppled pillar of basalt lies on its side in among shattered grey stone, providing safe passage through an otherwise treacherous terrain. The ground underneath the pillar is thoroughly soaked, the occasional waves from the island's edge finding their way through and dampening the broken stones. Dark red moss speckles the underside of the column, thriving on the salt-saturated water. You also see a vine and a sly-looking sleek white lynx that is sitting.
Also here: Demonologist Sivroch, Healer Keirran, Zymi, Uziz, Inneth who is kneeling, Reaver Kretona, Hollow Nuzack, Soultorn Inahk, Demonic Talinel and Ershta Zehira.
Obvious paths: north, east.

Sivroch nods.

Nuzack's tail stands rigid against his back, the scales along it lifting to form an alarmed, serrated edge.

Inahk drops to one knee, bowing his head in deference.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Sivroch says, "Greetings, defenders."

Talinel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Sivroch says, "It is excellent to see you."

Uziz nods to Sivroch.

>l sivroch
You see Demonologist Sivroch, Mysteriarch of the Profane Aegis, a Necromancer of indeterminate race.
Sivroch has five gleaming yellow eyes with slit pupils that blink slowly in sequence. A thorny outgrowth of vines covered in spines falls from her scalp, tied into a thick braid that sways with her every movement. Her black lips are stretched over wide mandibles, splitting in front, and she periodically unhinges her maw to reveal three rows of needle-like teeth. Her skin is covered in bony plates, interlocking protrusions etched and carved with strange symbols and patterns. Four thick insectile wings are folded neatly against her back, dark veins winding between nearly translucent cuticle. A smaller, well-articulated third arm extends from her left side, terminating in a powerful talon. Her knees bend backwards as she shifts her weight between her clawed feet.
She stands as tall as a Gor'Tog.
It is impossible to tell how old she is.
Etched in scar and ink, a series of sigils wind across her body, starting at her left ankle and blossoming into a burst of errant symbols across her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a cloak of flowing ichor which billows like smoke, a suit of form fitting bone and shell that seems to breathe and adjust with her movement and a thick iron anklet.

Sivroch asks, "Before we start, do you know of anyone en route?"

Kretona kneels down.

You nod to Sivroch.

Inneth glances at a sly-looking sleek white lynx.

You say, "I believe Vrallux comes."

Inneth says, "We also have a spy."

Inneth says, "How much that matters, I cannot say."

Feral Druid Vrallux just arrived.

Vrallux giggles a little oddly.

You nod to Vrallux.

Sivroch says, "It does not. They should know what they are foolishly running into."

Talinel says, "A cat, that is not a cat."

The sleek white lynx suddenly pounces on Talinel snarling furiously causing Talinel to drop what he was holding!

You notice as a sly-looking sleek white lynx looks around suspiciously.

Inneth nods to Sivroch.

The sleek white lynx growls, "More of an observer than a spy, per se."

You notice as a sly-looking sleek white lynx begins to pant.

Sivroch says, "I have some words. And then I will take questions."

Sivroch says, "'I have been keeping my eyes on your efforts. As forces coordinate and mass against us, you have wrought your craft, honed your spell and blade, and spread chaos in Their name. Sacrificed in Their name. Died in Their name."

You notice as a sly-looking sleek white lynx begins to pant.

Nuzack says, "An apple is still a fruot."

You whisper to Sivroch, "You should know that our numbers here are not representative of our full strength. We will have allies in the battle to come"

Nuzack begins screaming at himself.

Sivroch leans over and whispers, "See to it that they are informed of what I have to say. We will put them to use when we can."

Nuzack mutters something into the air about fruit.

Sivroch says, "'Know that Lord Jeihrem has lent his protection to this meeting, that none who dare harm us may interfere."

You nod.

Sivroch says, "And They have taken notice. The barriers between have thinned, and They move more freely. Our enemies do not know our wondrous purpose, and aimlessly lay waste their fleets in petty squabbles, flooding our domain with flesh for the shaping."

Sivroch says, "Some of the space have thinned recently. You will see shortly."

Sivroch says, "'They send their best, idiot mages and muscular brutes, spending most of their time arguing about how to fight, whether to fight. They are a disorganized mess, fitting for the fickle and disorganized Gods they serve. But you have done well, and I commend you. You have sown chaos, worked together, fought for the isle."

Sivroch asks, "But know this - they are massing against us, and in the last engagement, it became clear that they are willing to throw a sizable force against our walls. They have bragged of a holy weapon, as if they are the first to leverage the fires of the hollow Immortals against us. We have our own fire, after all, do we not?"

You nod.

Zehira nods.

Sivroch says, "While their infantile flailing may be amusing, and you have fought well up to this point, I do not wish to give you the impression that we are ignoring the intelligence provided. That you may better understand the situation, I wish to debrief you, so there can be no confusion or ignorance regarding these events or what is coming next."

Sivroch says, "The last battle resulted in heavy losses to the assembled fleets, those allied against us as well as the pirates that sailed in the name of independence alike loosing many ships and lives. All fresh meat for us. Lord Jeihrem sent forth one of his toys, and I hope you derived the same pleasure I did in watching it tear their ship apart. That was not the only of his tools that he may use in the event of them making it to our shores, and it is being rebuilt as we speak."

Sivroch says, "In the course of the battle, Srinoja miscalculated, becoming over zealous in her desire to slay Admiral Khoheke, and she was cut down. I recovered her, that she may continue to serve our cause."

Shadows furl into a myriad of mirrored reflections, distorted representations of the world as it is. Yawning into a void that widens not unlike an eye that is slowly opening, a form only vaguely resembling a gnome steps through -- featureless and fragmented, what remains of Srinoja is now nothing but a living shadow. Faceted in countless shards of things that could -- but should not -- be, the diminutive form twists with a pair of wings wrought from nightmare itself.

Srinoja fades into view.

>l srinoja
You see Unwaking Sliver Srinoja, Vessel of the Dream Eater, a Nightmare Reflection.
What remains of Srinoja is merely an amorphous shadow, bearing no distinct features. Instead, you only see a grotesque representation of your own. A mass of ethereal tendrils extrude from her back, twisting upward and outward as if reaching of their own volition along the surface of a pair of large, fulginious wings, small reflections glinting within its membrane like stars in the night's sky.
She appears to be an adult.
Her body bears myriad but distinct twisted reflections not unlike a shattered mirror. Present in each faceted glimpse, a single orange eye -- bloodshot and slitted -- peers out at you.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a veil of living shadow bearing shards of a thousand warped reflections.

The fragmented face of what had once been a gnome peers into you, and in each reflection, you watch as your grin widens into a maw of concentric rows of jagged teeth. A tortured wail resounds from behind the mirrored mask, incomprehensible and primal. You sense an aura of overpowering dread emanating from Srinoja. But more than that, you sense that something within the thing that takes the visage of Srinoja is aware of you scrutinizing its aura -- and that it has taken an unhealthy interest in you. You hear someone faintly calling your name -- in your own voice, a mocking call that beckons you to let it in.

In each of the reflective fragments along the gnome's form, you find yourself staring into your own twisted face, distorted, and with jaundiced, bloodshot eyes, and a smile that unnaturally widens, revealing a grinning maw of endless concentric rows of jagged teeth. The collected reflections of you shatter as another unnatural scream resounds from Srinoja, cracking in a jagged web as if it were made of glass. In each of the distorted fragments, you observe yourself, a broad, unnatural grin disfiguring your face, until the reflections fade, leaving you staring into an endless sea of eyes that stare at you, unblinking -- unsleeping. Unwaking.

You glance at Inneth, a male Elf.

Sivroch says, "In her madness, drive and ambition, Pelsacahd found a worthy acolyte. Her creativity, daring and madness now fuel the dream eater. She is Ours, and she serves our purpose."

Inneth smiles.

Sivroch says, "In the fight to come, our opponents have numbers, but we have made preparations. They may arrive on our shores, and they will pay for their hubris. We have arranged defenses, and Lord Jeihrem gathers the favor of Those that may assist him. It will take more than holy fire to challenge our purpose, our supremacy."

Talinel observes Srinoja with fascination.

Sivroch says, "Ready yourself. Gather the requisite material and remedies to knit your injuries closed. Ready your Risen that they may bleed for you in a time of need. Gather weapons to supply your zombies, and perhaps even consider the numinous emissary and the violent exaltation. Know that you will be needed both directly in the fight, striking against those that invade, and also in lending your skills in supporting the isles defenses. Do not despair if you cannot fight their loudest of warriors -- you can still defend the isle from behind the field of battle."

Sivroch asks, "Before the fight starts, I will return to provide more details as our defensive plan is finalized. In the mean time, is there anything you wish to know of me? Or her?"

Inneth gives you a slight nod.

Inneth caresses his marble amulet, murmuring quietly to himself. His eyes roll upward, leaving only the whites exposed, as the amulet glows with a dull sanguine light. When the glow subsides, Inneth's eyes sudden snap back into their normal position and an oozing darkness spills out of his amulet, coalescing into the form of a tethered Dream Eater.

Sivroch grins widely at Inneth.

Inneth stands up.

Inneth grabs a handful of wires attached to a tethered Dream Eater. In response, the Dream Eater lets out a gut-wrenching otherworldly howl, though its mouth does not seem to move.

You smirk at Inneth.

Inneth grins at Srinoja.

Srinoja glances at the Dream Eater with something vaguely resembling recognition, a muffled shriek coming from the fragmented sea of reflection that is her face.

Inneth says to Srinoja, "We are here to serve Them."

Srinoja nods.

You say to Sivroch, "We unite under Their guidance to defend what is Ours."

Srinoja pauses, each of the eyes reflected in her face blinking in unison.

Talinel nods to you.

Inahk stands up.

Talinel asks, "Do we know when they will attack?"

Talinel rubs his right eye.

Sivroch says, "No. But given the extend of the fleets involved, we will likely not be taken by surprise."

Kretona nods.

Inahk clears his throat.

Uziz shifts his weight.

Vrallux says, "I am ready."

Zehira asks, "Do you know if any of the island warding has been damaged so that Lord Jeihrem may leave it or will He be using his new toys?"

Vrallux nods.

Sivroch smiles at Zehira.

Talinel asks, "Is there anything in the mean time we can do, to bolster the defenses of the Island?"

Sivroch says, "Lord Jeihrem is aware of what is gathering against us. He is not worried, though he has placed his trust that you will assist in the isles defenses."

You nod to Sivroch.

Srinoja twists her head unnaturally to the left, lurching slightly as she moves, very clearly uncomfortable -- and entirely alien in nature -- in her new form.

Zehira nods to Sivroch.

Kretona asks, "Is it possible to become a Vessel, like her, but not lose... myself in the process?"

Kretona nods to Srinoja.

Kretona angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Sivroch says to Kretona, "Anything worth achieving requires sacrifice."

Kretona nods to Sivroch.

You chuckle at Kretona.

Zehira nods at Sivroch, obviously agreeing with her views.

Kretona says to Sivroch, "Always."

Sivroch says, "How you navigate the sacrifice, and what you deem worth offering, remains to be seen."

Inneth smiles.

Kretona says to Sivroch, "Yet you show us that... there are paths we may tread."

The faceless form stares directly at Kretona, the sea of eyes narrowing at him in recognition -- and in the manner that a hunter may stalk its pray.

Kretona nods.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Sivroch says, "Srinoja is... made anew. She is not as she was, but all change and growth requires carving away of the old."

Inneth says, "I imagine the pirate girls did not understand, and needed to be instructed what is required."

You say, "Srinoja was not a worshipper of the Profane, as far as I know. That may make a difference."

Kretona says to Sivroch, "I am looking for that path, to thread that needle."

Inneth says, "She seemed like one who did not understand payment is always due."

Kretona nods to Inneth.

Zehira says to Kretona, "You will see you will learn. I will teach you and you will be ready."

Inneth says, "This, though, is magnificant."

Kretona nods to Zehira.

Zehira says, "Ask Inneth."

Inneth nods.

Zehira says to Sivroch, "She truly is maginificent. Lovely work."

Kretona nods.

Inneth nods to Uziz.

Inahk hesitantly asks Sivroch, "Mysteriarch, you speak of the barrier." He swallows forcefully, willing himself to proceed. "Is there anything we might do to expedite its inevitable collapse?"

Sivroch says, "It was a lovely canvas."

Kretona grins at Sivroch.

Sivroch looks thoughtfully at Inahk.

A faint clicking echoes from behind the mask of reflections, the eyes blinking in an asynchronous manner, sequentially but not in any discernable pattern.

Kretona points at Inahk.

Zehira gazes at Srinoja.

Zehira chuckles.

Inneth gazes at Srinoja.

Kretona gives Srinoja a studious look, as if committing her to memory.

Inneth gets an odd expression on his face.

Inneth rubs his eyes.

Uziz peers quizzically at Srinoja.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Sivroch says, "There are many barriers. Some are thinner than others. Srinoja, for example, was both perfect material for molding, and desperate to not have her lifes purpose lost."

Sivroch says, "Regarding the more physical of spaces, I believe one is thinning shortly, and may prove of great interest to those gathered here."

Inneth asks, "Have we any concerns, or additional details, about this weapon of theirs?"

Inahk gives a gracious nod.

Zehira raises an eyebrow in Sivroch's direction.

Zehira says, "That sounds promising."

Inahk says, "Godmother willing."

Inahk mumbles a word of general praise.

You say to Sivroch, "It was quite convenient that the removal of Maelshyve expedited this."

Inneth nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Talinel frowns.

Sivroch says to Inneth, "A valid question. As I said, we have dealt with holy fire before. Like all fire, proper care and respect must be afforded the flame, lest you be burned, but fire is nothing more than a primal force. It acts within rules, and can be dealt with with planning."

Inneth nods to Sivroch.

Sivroch says, "We do not take any weapon of the temple lightly, for the Immortals are not weak or stupid. But we have dealt with fire."

Sivroch says, "They have not seen our own fire, and must be reminded."

Kretona nods.

Kretona rubs a glaes tail knife ensnared in the constricting tentacles of a demonbone kraken.

Sivroch says, "And Lord Jeihrem is eager to show them how hot we burn."

Zehira smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say to Sivroch, "Lord Jeihrem mentions that They are closer here. As They draw nearer, is there anything we can do to call on Them to a greater degree? To empower ourselves more in the defense."

Inneth flashes a wide grin.

Zehira bounces around happily.

Kretona grins evilly.

Sivroch says, "Yes."

A faint buzzing echoes from behind the mask of reflection as amorphous blobs of shadow writhe behind the multitudinous eyes, their pupils dilating in unison.

Sivroch says, "They will be gathered and petitioned in the defense of the isle. And you will be bent towards helping empower them."

Zehira says to you, "It's like He can read our minds."

Vrallux nods to Sivroch.

Kretona nods to Zehira.

You nod to Sivroch.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Sivroch says, "As I said, there are numerous ways to defend our isle. You may attack the invaders. You may support the defenses. Both are valid, though the latter may be most... enlightening."

Inneth raises an eyebrow.

Kretona brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Inahk quietly says, "My blood, is Their blood. My bone, Their bone."

Inahk mumbles a word of general praise.

Inneth says, "So, we wait. And they will throw whatever armies they can muster upon the salt here."

Sivroch says to Inahk, "As it was meant to be."

Kretona nods.

Inneth says, "And we will turn it red."

Kretona nods.

Sivroch grins at Inneth.

Kretona draws his knife and makes a thin cut across one of his hands.

Inneth gazes at Srinoja in wonder.

Inahk nods approvingly at Kretona.

Nuzack begins screaming at himself.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

You ask Sivroch, "Is there any use to releasing demonic risen into the world in preparation for this?"

You get a perfect ink black fetish from inside your leather sidebag.

You stare deeply at the ink black fetish, reading its essence.

Mirrored talons reflexively flex at Inneth's words, Srinoja's pointed fingers clacking against one another idly.

Kretona grins at Srinoja.

Sivroch ponders.

Sivroch says, "I do not believe so, though They take their pleasure where they may."

You nod.

Inneth says, "I imagine we will be of most use here upon the island."

A tethered Dream Eater gnashes its numerous needle-like teeth.

Kretona nods to Inneth.

Zehira says, "It almost sounds as if we should support the defenses."

Inneth says, "Let them come. It's time to finish this."

You nod to Zehira.

Inneth nods at Zehira, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zehira says, "And have faith in our Lord Jeihrem and his toys and Them."

Kretona nods to Zehira.

Inneth asks, "How long has it been since Jeihrem decended the steps?"

Zehira says to Sivroch, "And you as well."

Talinel says, "We can support the defenses while our Zombies engage the enemies."

Sivroch chuckles.

You say to Inneth, "*Lord* Jeihrem."

You sneer.

Inneth nods to you.

Zehira says, "Near 20 years."

Kretona looks thoughtfully at Srinoja.

Sivroch nods at Zehira, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zehira nods to Inneth.

Kretona glances at a tankard of Sulfurdust Stout.

Kretona offers Srinoja a tankard of Sulfurdust Stout.

Zehira says, "Since...that Book."

Zehira makes a grunting noise.

Inneth says to you, "Apologies. I am rather... distracted at the moment."

Talinel says, "Book..."

Srinoja contorts her face slightly, glancing at the Stout without any clear recognition of the object.

Srinoja declines Kretona's offer.

Kretona nods.

Sivroch says to Zehira, "I will be on the battlefield. I will ensure that we are ready. It has been some time since I have bloodied my claws in a worthy battle."

Inneth kneels down before Sivroch.

Kretona takes a sip of his Stout.

Inneth says, "Apologies, Mysteriarch."

Kretona praises Sivroch.

You ask Sivroch, "Other than the device, ais any Immortal assistance expected?"

Inneth stands up.

Inneth dusts himself off.

You say, "I wouldn't mind getting ahold of that unicorn."

Talinel nods to you.

Talinel says, "I was just thinking the same thing."

Sivroch says, "The memory of such flesh..."

Inahk glances at you.

Talinel rubs his chest.

Zehira smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Talinel says, "That horn be a nice trophy."

You deftly remove the silver knife from your raekhlo.

Zehira says, "Bloody flesh is nice."

You run your finger over the serrated hills and valleys of the blade on your knife, grinning with a wicked sneer.

Zehira says, "I am curious."

You say, "Would help some of the research in further understanding it."

You hang your silver knife from your raekhlo. It rattles against the quartz-inlaid athame hanging from your raekhlo, and you adjust them.

Inneth extends his hand to pet a tethered Dream Eater, which immediately relocates just out of reach, hissing loudly.

Inneth grabs a handful of wires attached to a tethered Dream Eater. In response, the Dream Eater lets out a gut-wrenching otherworldly howl, though its mouth does not seem to move.

Zehira says, "The other leaders, they have chosen to say out of this completely and not help either side? I know Xerasyth will not but..Book and his disdain for Lord Jeihrem."

Sivroch says, "It is likely that they will try and consecrate an altar as a forward operating position. We will do what we can to prevent it, though it is honestly not a significant concern."

You chuckle.

You say, "I hope its Drogor."

Sivroch says, "Such a presence on this isle would almost be a boon to us, the close access to such a being."

Talinel smiles.

Kretona chuckles at you!

You snicker.

You get a jar of rotten chum from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Sivroch licks her needle-like teeth with long black tongue.

Kretona says, "Interesting... access..."

You nod to Sivroch.

Inahk gets himself a tiny reddish-brown morsel. Yum!

Kretona says to Sivroch, "How do we begin to transform ourselves, as you have done? Surely some of these... enhancements.. could aid us here..."

You say to Sivroch, "Do you know any more specifics on the device? The range seems impressive, but I've only ever seen it shoot at things in the air."

Inahk feeds a dull black carrion beetle a bit of reddish-brown morsel, and it munches on it contentedly.

Sivroch says, "This isle is old, and the Immortals have had presence here before. We made use of that, and over time, They... subsumed... the connection."

Sivroch says to Kretona, "Sacrifice. And time. I hope to teach you more of it."

You put your chum in the swirling eddy.

Zehira smiles at Sivroch, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nuzack rubs a rusty dual-pronged blade set into a grip of charred bone.

Kretona says to Sivroch, "I look forward to the lessons."

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Zehira says to Sivroch, "I'm ready now."

Uziz nods to Kretona.

Zehira laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Kretona nods to Zehira.

Inneth ponders.

Sivroch says to you, "Temple, fire, requires Paladins. They've tried it all before."

Sivroch shrugs.

You nod.

Sivroch says, "We won't take this lightly. Lord Jeihrem will mount defenses."

Inneth says, "This time they have Zauldin and his ilk, as well."

You say, "I find it hard to believe that they will be able to navigate through the reefs at the harbour of the Isle."

Zehira nods to you.

Sivroch smirks.

Sivroch says to you, "And that is just the landing."

Inneth asks, "Does the kraken require any attention before their fleet sets sail? Can we assist with that?"

Talinel asks, "How well do Paladins swim with all that plate on?"

Inneth says, "It did lose a few limbs, as I understand."

Kretona says, "I look forward to the kraken smashing them."

Kretona nods to Inneth.

Srinoja clacks her talons in some semblance of recognition when discussing the kraken. A faint snarl can be heard from behind the mirrored mask.

Zehira gazes at Srinoja.

Inneth gets a quiet, peaceful look on his face.

Talinel says, "I am disapointed I did not get to witness the kraken myself."

Kretona asks, "She said repairs were under way, but I agree, can we assist?"

Inneth smiles at Srinoja.

A tethered Dream Eater suddenly cocks its nearly featureless head as if listening to some otherworldly sounds only it can hear.

Zehira says to Talinel, "It's magnificent."

Kretona takes a sip of his Stout.

Nuzack asks, "How would we persuade Skairelden to create some weapons to help with the defense?"

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Sivroch ponders.

Srinoja approaches the Dream Eater, once again oblivious to the conversation. The eyes fixate on the beast in wonder and recognition.

Inahk glances at Nuzack.

Kretona gazes at Srinoja.

Inahk says to Nuzack, "The Godmother's will is her own."

Inneth smiles at Srinoja.

Sivroch says, "At this point, many of Them are at the ready. They are excited for such a conflux of fresh meat and vulnerable spirits."

Talinel says, "I must take my leave."

Talinel bows.

Sivroch nods to Talinel.

Talinel says, "I look forward to battle."

Kretona blinks at Srinoja.

You chuckle.

Talinel just left.

Kretona grins at Sivroch.

Sivroch says, "As do I."

Sivroch snarls.

Nuzack says, "Whatever is left of my soul she can have in trade."

You say, "I've always wondered at the motivations of these folks. So blindly focused on their goal that they ignore that by doing so, they empower Them."

Kretona angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Srinoja.

Inahk gazes thoughtfully at Nuzack.

You say, "In Our place, no less."

Kretona ponders.

Zehira says, "They do not believe They exist."

Kretona blinks.

Kretona nods to Zehira.

Zehira says, "They believe in their immortals and that is all."

Srinoja abruptly freezes and begins to fragment, her form falling into pools of shadow, as the integrity of the shadowy amalgam begins to slowly unravel until the Gnome is left nothing but a seeping pile of shadow that disperses on the salt.

Srinoja suddenly fades away.

Nuzack mutters something into the air about swine.

Inneth gets a thoughtful expression on his face.

Sivroch says, "They do not seem to understand Lord Jeihrem's might, and what he is capable of. They forget his strike on Zoluren."

Kretona scratches one ear, looking bemused.

You nod.

Zehira says, "Yes they do."

Kretona gazes at Sivroch.

You say, "And We have grown since then."

Kretona praises Sivroch.

Kretona says, "How we long to see it again."

Zehira says, "And they forget that it was..Zamidren that helped them against Him."

Inneth says, "He will teach them what they have forgotten."

Zehira says, "I was there, I saw what He could do 20 years ago."

Sivroch says to Zehira, "Make no mistake, the Immortals, especially unified, are a force to be feared. We will strike decisively to ensure they do not muster more than some temple machinery and those stupid enough to leap into our defenses."

Nuzack says, "Swine and fish have similar memories."

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

A tethered Dream Eater gnashes its numerous needle-like teeth.

Sivroch grins.

Zehira nods at Sivroch, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zehira says, "I can only imagine what He will do to them when they reach His home this time."

Zehira grins, revealing her dimples.

Inneth says to Zehira, "Likely fashion more banyakea."

Sivroch says, "I would be surprised, frankly, if Lord Jeihrem allowed them to get that close. And I would be dishonored if the responsibility to deal with them by that point fell to him."

Sivroch glances at Inneth.

Sivroch says to Inneth, "How mundane."

Sivroch grins at Inneth.

Inneth chuckles to himself.

Zehira says, "We will not let them reach this island."

Inneth says, "There should be sufficient parts for such things."

Zehira says, "They have already tred on it one too many times."

You ask Sivroch, "Is there anything more that we should be doing. Or that we should be aware of?"

Kretona nods to Zehira.

Sivroch ponders.

You say, "We already begin to make plans for what happens after. How best to capitalize on the increasing power of the Profane."

Zehira nods to you.

Inahk nods to you in approval.

You say, "We cannot continue openly battling against these forces."

Sivroch says, "One such barrier will thin shortly and you will see. For the attack itself, be prepared with material and remedies to restore your body. It may be a slog, and I will be there with you to ensure they pay for every step."

Inahk mumbles a word of general praise.

Nuzack's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Zehira says to Sivroch, "If I may ask, when this is done and Lord Jeihrem has the time, or if perhaps You do. I wish to throw out that I am one of the only ones left that Lord Jeihrem named that still..well do anything and I'd like for Nefis to be recognized for all he does."

You chuckle at Zehira.

Kretona nods.

You rub your left hand.

Sivroch nods to Zehira.

You say to Zehira, "I am alread with Them."

An intense black radiance erupts from your eyes!

Zehira says to you, "It's the truth. It's literally me...and well me."

Sivroch says, "He is busy with preparations and petitions, but I will make sure he knows and recognizes those of you who have fought for us and Them."

You say, "We are the Bynaikae."

Sivroch nods to you.

Zehira exclaims, "Thank you!"

Zehira says to you, "Yes but you know.."

Zehira says to you, "Lord Jeihrem has gotten really good at plucking things from my head, I rarely get a headache anymore."

Zehira chuckles.

Kretona grins at Zehira.

Inneth gets an odd expression on his face.

Kretona leans on Zehira.

You say to Zehira, "Perhaps we can convince Tallnah and Yhtrin to join us in the battle."

Zehira says, "Perhaps."

Inneth asks, "They need convincing?"

Inneth blinks.

Zehira smiles at Kretona, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zehira nods to Inneth.

Zehira says, "They do."

You ask Inneth, "Do you see them here?"

You take a moment to look for everybody in the area and see Thaesaer, Dark Druid Vrallux who is tracked from above by a crowning umbral shade, Demonologist Sivroch, Healer Keirran, Zymi, Uziz, Inneth, Reaver Kretona who is kneeling, Hollow Nuzack, Soultorn Inahk and Ershta Zehira.

Inneth says to you, "True."

Sivroch says, "The efforts of some extend as far as the words they claim."

Inahk frowns.

Inneth says, "The stakes are too high for them to sit idle, or I would hope."

Inneth says, "But, yes, they are not here tonight."

Sivroch says, "Those who spill blood and lend their aid to the isle will be noted."

You nod to Sivroch.

Inneth nods to Inahk.

You say, "As they should be."

Inneth says, "We will not fail. We cannot."

Inneth says, "Let them come."

Kretona says, "No sacrifice is too great when the path towards power is in front of you."

Inahk nods at Inneth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sivroch says, "I want to emphasize that we are not presuming that this will be easy. Lord Jeihrem is not simply ignoring the threat and letting them come."

Kretona nods to Sivroch.

Uziz nods to Sivroch.

Inneth says, "They need to come in force, or else we will continue to play this little game."

Kretona says, "We've always know the hardship of this battle."

Sivroch says, "The defenses that will be laid out are meant to be used. And if any wish to join me on the field of battle, I promise to show you things you have not seen."

You chuckle.

Inneth smiles at Sivroch.

Inneth says, "What you've shown us tonight is... glorious."

Sivroch asks, "Before I take my leave, are there any other questions?"

Inneth says, "I have many questions, but none related to what is about to happen."

Kretona nods to Inneth.

Inneth says, "My questions are all about what's next."

Inneth says, "And how we can honor those which we serve."

Kretona says, "I second that."

Sivroch smiles.

Inneth says to Sivroch, "When you first presented yourself to us in the chapel, Mysteriarch, all those years ago, I did not understand."

Inneth says, "Now we know what is at stake here, and how it must proceed."

Inneth says, "The Temple zealots and the Rathans will continue to push at us. It's time we respond."

Sivroch says, "Zamidren set you on this path thinking he could force you towards waste and his own purposes. Lord Jeihrem showed you what was possible. You pursued what was necessary."

Inneth nods.

Inneth smiles.

Kretona says, "I can't wait to rain destruction upon them again."

Kretona grins.

Inneth says, "Thank you for speaking with us tonight, Mysteriarch."

Kretona bows to Sivroch.

Sivroch nods.

You say to Sivroch, "Yes, as always, a pleasure to be graced with your presence, Mysteriarch."

You bob a brief, respectful bow towards Sivroch.

Sivroch says, "We will speak again soon. Until then, continue your efforts."

Wings thrumming, Sivroch takes to the skies, rising overhead. She looks down and nods at you, and screams off towards the manor.