Corrected the following errors noted on this page:
As Symphaena is naught but a simple wanderer, the following errors pertain to the limits of her exploration (and represent all the errors of the chateau itself that I can reach). Other areas exist that she hasn't found a way into that might be unreleased, quest-/puzzle-/secret-based, or special-access areas that simple wanderers are never allowed to go unless invited, arrested, or otherwise summoned by a GMPC:
- west entry, south entry, and southwest entry exits found in the Service Entry room (these three appear to be blocked off, as though it's a special area (governmental offices and such) or those sections have yet to be released into the game)
- the sana'ati doors (2 north of great hall) lead to some sort of meditation chamber, but that too is apparently blocked
- apparently there's a west hall and a south hall I have no way of getting to, with entrypoints leading into either the service entry room or the classrooms (this is mentioned on a directions board found in the foyer)
- clarification of old error: the second floor of the Inn (the GO STEP added, near the plat, gold, and silver doors) leads to a door on that level, which is the palace suite
- from room marked R, go gate, west, go door: GO STAIR leads up to a balcony described as follows:
- GO STAIRWAY to go back down to foyer
- from GO STAIR, a door opens to the south (Music Conservatory)
- WEST from GO STAIR leads to a second room
- GO HALL (seems to be a one-way deal) leads back down to the Great Hall (the room just north of the ballroom)
- GO STAIRCASE to go to Synod Audience Chamber, and GO ARCH to find a seat (OUT to leave your seat)
Climbing Spiral Road
Requires a great deal of climbing ranks to take all the shortcuts. With 300 climbing, was able to successfully climb upward at each step for 4 rooms above the Trader's Outpost. Was able to climb down successfully at each step for 2 rooms below the Lockpick shop. Planning to post a draft updated map tonight. --Hithrael 15:37, 18 July 2011 (UTC)