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Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Male
Guild Ranger
Instance Prime

"My destiny was thrust upon me. I chose merely to embrace it."

You see Shadow Knight Lothorel, Fallen Knight of Elanthia, an Elf.

He has pointed ears and fathomless crystal blue eyes. His black hair is long and wavy, and is worn in a careless, windblown arrangement. He has pale skin and a sleek build.

He is an adult.

He is clean shaven.

He has a tattoo of a luminous wisp of spectral fire on his right temple.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing an eerily luminous blackened moonsilver diadem set with Elamiri sapphires, a braided cord of white jade beads and owl feathers, a jet serpent earcuff with inset blood ruby eyes, an enshrouding starlight velvet cloak secured with a nightstone set in asharsh'dai, a brass badge etched with a laurel and lion's claw crest, a ceremonial azurelle shortbow adorned with pure white swan feathers, a smoi leather weapon harness with a ceremonial iltesh secured to it, a finely-spun ultramarine nightstalker silk shirt with black embroidery on the yoke, a snow-white archer's bracer reinforced with black kertig studs, some black suede pants embroidered with a writhing wyvern along one leg, a sleek ice-veined leather thigh quiver wrapped in silversteel mesh and a pair of deep black leather high boots with ultramarine piping along the turned cuffs.


38 Moliko 331 – Delivered as an infant to his adoptive Dwarven mother to be raised in Hibarnhvidar

Akroeg 376 – Joins the ranger guild

Ka’len 408 – Joins Steel Gladiolus, the official Militia of the Zoluren Province

1 Akroeg 412 – Awarded the title of Emerald Knight for valor and bravery in the defense of Corik’s Wall

10 Lirisa 412 – Promoted to Lieutenant of Steel Gladiolus Militia for services rendered in defense against the Elpalzi invasion

4 Uthmor 412 – Stripped of honor and title by the Lady Mahgana, Seneschal for Zoluren, for the crime of slander against Court Advisor Cyiarriah Khorrann.

5 Uthmor 412 – Falls into exile, leaving the known lands of Elanthia

9 Arhat 412 – Zoluren militia is officially disbanded by the Lady Maghana, citing Prince Vorclaf’s previous order as wisdom, and noting there would be no more official militias in Zoluren.

10 Moliko 427 – Returns from exile as a Fallen Knight.