Curse command

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Emotive command to mumble or swear; remove the use of some verbs from a player who is 10 circles or more lower than you.

You see: You mumble something unprintable.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something unprintable.

CURSE <self>
You see: You mumble something "colorful" to yourself.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something.

CURSE <player> (not less than 10 circles of you)
You see: You mumble something unprintable at <Player> but keep it to yourself.
Target sees: Nothing.

CURSE <player> (less than 10 circles of you)
You see: You bolster the curse upon <Player> and s/he shivers as a sheath of darkness descends around her/his body.
Target sees: <Player> looks at you and raises her voice in a curse that sends a shiver through your body, causing the very light around you to dim.
NOTE: This will place a curse on the targeted player. See below.

Command <item>
You see: You mumble something unprintable at <item>.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something unprintable at <item>.

Effect of Curse

Curse is a command that can be used if you are 10 circles above another character that can remove certain verbs from them if done enough, usually done to annoying or aggravating folks to inhibit this behavior. It requires multiple applications of this command by separate people to have an effect.

PRAISE will counteract this affect.

End of Curse:
You see: With great relief, you feel the darkness lift from your soul.

Also See