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Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Ranger
Instance Platinum


Wildflower Imrimid, an Elf. She has an angular face with elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears, almond-shaped turquoise eyes and a classical nose. Her russet hair is very long and wavy, and is worn arranged in an intricate Elven braid. She has tanned skin accented by some glittery platinum stars and a slender figure.
She is slightly under average height for an Elf.
A school of deeplight fish float lazily around her right wrist, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her skin.
She appears to be young.
She has a tattoo of a series of colorful fish splashing playfully in crystal blue water on her hand.

She is holding a silky brown Ilithian river otter in her right hand.
She is wearing a gold-washed brigandine helm with a peacock feather crest, a padded deep green suede jacket embossed with a pattern of oak leaves, some fringed fern-green falconer's gauntlets, some moss green leather greaves embossed with oak leaves, a delicately braided cambrinth ring set with an ocean's heart diamond tang fish, a playful narwhal mask crowned with a pearlescent rainbow horn, a soft cream chola top, a kokona reed otter holt reinforced with Ilithic applewood, a blue satin dancing skirt decorated with a school of colorful fish, a polished scallop shell strung upon a fine seasilk braid, a living cloak of pale blue sirese flowers nestled among lush emerald green vines, and a pale green sash appliqued with colorful lotusweave koi.


1) What God(s)/Goddess(s), if any, does your character worship, how do they worship, and why? She had a small crush on Idon for awhile, but that has largely faded. She likes the idea of Eu, but is sad because Eu only likes Prydaens. She believes that, since each god has a special animal, that animals are close to the gods in a way that people will never be.

2) How does your character feel about death? Why? She has died twice, and each time at the hands of a marine animal, and both times were horrifying. She feels sad that the animals (a shark and a decapod, namely) did not want to be petted, nor did they want to be friends. The circumstances make her very sad, and she wonders what she did to make Drogor mad.

3) Does your character have any fears? Any secret fears or would they share this feeling with friends? She is really anxious about dealing with people or talking to people. She prefers the company of animals. Crowds scare her. Her biggest fear is that the animals that she loves might not want to be her friends. She is also afraid that her mother and father are never going to come back to see her again. She thinks they forgot about her.

4) Does your character feel love? How would they express this? She's still a kid in Elven terms, so she's not really interested in romance yet.

5) Does your character feel hate? How would they express that? She can get VERY angry if someone mistreats an animal, and will yell at them and call them names.

6) Who are the important people in your characters life? Why? Her grandpa, who used to be a Warrior Mage and pretty much raised her. Her adventuring friends are very special in her life.

7) Does your character have any material possessions that they cherish? Why? When the Merelew came, she helped them and got an ecosphere. She also had some special items made, including some legwraps with sea animals and the Merelew artist painted on them. They remind her of the good time she had and the Merelew friends she made.

8) Why does your character belong to the guild they are a part of? She joined the Ranger guild because most of her childhood in Bosque Deriel was spent by herself, out in the woods, playing with animals or reading picture books. Her parents are scouts for the province, and being a Ranger helps her feel closer to them, even if she hasn't seen them in awhile.

9) Does your character respect his/her guildleader? Why or why not? Sure. She has no reason not to. Everything she's been told to train seems reasonable.

10) Does your character dream when they sleep? What about? Mostly playing with animals, swimming underwater with fish, flying with butterflies, that sort of thing.

11) Does your character have any secrets that _no one_ would know about? Unbeknownst to her, her real father was human.

12) Does your character have an ambition or goal in life? If so, what is it? She wants to be an amazing ranger, meet a bunch of animals, and be their friend.

13) Does your character drink alcohol? If so, how does it effect them? Do they know when to stop? She's tried it once or twice, to try and be a little more grown up, but she really doesn't like it much. It makes her mouth burn and tastes icky.

14) Is your character a leader, or a follower? More like a free spirit. She's the one who, if the group is invading a castle, stops by the moat to look at the goldfish. She's often a follower.

15) What is your character's favorite food/drink? Why? She loves Dolphin Vine tea, nuts, candied flowers, and fruit dishes. They remind her of special trips to Leth for treats. She recently got a special pancake pan that makes a dish she thought up herself- coconut pancakes with rose and lychee syrup. Yum!

16) What is your character's fondest childhood memory? Sitting in a garden of flowers in spring and being surrounded by butterflies, squirrels, and a doe and her fawn. Whether they were more interested in her or the snacks beside her is debatable.

17) What would your character forget forever if they could? When she was a small child, she was at a Forest Elf wedding, and the part came where bowls of treats were placed on the gelnurte for the children to enjoy. The other children hurried onto the gelnurte and Imrimid, being shy, was pushed away from the bowls of sweets by the other children, and didn't end up getting any at all. Being little and deprived of treats, she sobbed quite loudly. The sister of the bride yanked her away from the scene, slapped her, and told her to stop it, adding, "Naughty children who cry bring bad luck to a wedding! No one is going to want you around if you cry!" Imrimid was stunned into silence. Ashamed, she ran to her favorite place in the forest and hid until sunset. She never told anyone because she didn't want them to know that she was a "naughty child".

18) What makes your character laugh? Animals being silly

19) What makes your character cry? When an animal friend is hurt or dies. The Wheel Song always makes her cry, but she's not sure why.

20) What is your character's favorite season/color/song/town/place in all the world? Spring, green or blue, Wonder, Leth Deriel or Andereshlew, any beautiful place in nature

21) Does your character have a positive body image? She doesn't really think about how she looks.

22) Can your character carry a tune? No, but she does try.

23) Does your character have any permanent physical deformities? She's a bit more tan and shorter than most forest elves, and the other elves in her community whisper behind her back that she may be half-human.

24) Does your character bathe often? Somewhat. Usually she swims in a pond or stream, but she does use the bathhouse before an important meeting.

25) Does your character like to dance? She's a bit self-conscious and doesn't really like to dance.

26) Does your character have manners? She says please and thank you and excuse me, but just really isn't good with knowing what to say when, which makes her come off as a bit odd. She means well, but is oblivious to social graces most of the time. When she gets excited or upset, she'll blurt out whatever she is thinking, regardless of whether it's appropriate.

27) Can your character read or write? She's not very interested in reading or writing, but can do both. Her ability to read is improving, thanks to studying anatomy charts and tailoring instructions. She prefers books with pictures.

28) Does your character ever get sick? Are they whiney when they are ill or do they just deal with it? She gets motion sickness when riding a horse, on a swaying gondola, or on long boat rides. It's gotten a little better now that she's learning to control her mind and body more, but she tries not to ride the gondola if she can help it, and certainly won't eat beforehand. Once, when she was badly injured by a pard, a friend took her in the gondola on the way to see an empath. Between the blood loss, the fear, and the motion sickness, she nearly threw up on his boots.

29) Does your character have principles and ethics? What, if anything, would make your character abandon those principles? Is there a certain price your character could be paid that would allow them to abandon friends or loved ones? She won't do things that hurt Nature or the Balance. She'd probably choose nature over her friends, if hard pressed. Most of all, she doesn't want people she cares about to get hurt. She will do everything to protect them, even at her own expense.

30) Is there anything else about your character that I (as an all knowing, all seeing, source of possible joy/pain/fun/sadness/mystery/excitement) should know? Imrimid likes animals and being helpful. She's a bit childlike in that she enjoys toys and has a very innocent outlook when it comes to people's motivations. It may take her some time, but she has a lot of questions about the world. She would enjoy: a Prydaen cleric whom she can talk with about Eu, a talking animal of some sort, a quest involving helping animals, a petting zoo or aquarium, or a cooperative task. She would be surprised and delighted to hear a mention of red-haired Elven scout (her mother) in a casual mention, and would ask a lot of questions about her.
