Bam Bam's

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[Bam Bam's, Salesroom] Exposed thick stone slabs make up the walls, their rough surface unadorned with anything that might distract from the products on display. The plank counter in the corner stands opposite the weapon rack and stand featuring the shop's wares. You also see a rickety door. Obvious exits: none.

On the weapon rack you see a steel war hammer with an ebony handle, an alder handled throwing hammer, a double-headed hammer with an icesteel head, a lunat handled spiked hammer and a dragonwood handled short hammer.

On the weapon stand you see a steel spiked hammer with a smokewood handle, an ash-hafted short hammer with a haralun head, a rowan handled two-headed hammer with a darkstone head, a steel greathammer with a dog-shaped head and a zingana-hafted war hammer with an inlaid head.