Nifty Gifts

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[Rosealea's Inn, Main Room]
This room buzzes with activity, from harried servers bringing out steaming dishes to customers talking animatedly among themselves. Red-checkered tablecloths atop wide oak tables have vases placed on them full of fragrant flowers. Though crowded, the room fits everyone comfortably and offers a magnificent view of the river. You also see an arched doorway and a menu.


1 - Cheezy Potato Skins............... K300 
2 - Mini Chicken Wings................ K275 
3 - Fried Squid....................... K325 
4 - Fish Nuggets...................... K200 
5 - Blueberries and Cream............. K205 
6 - Onion Tarts....................... K250 
7 - Fried Cheese Sticks............... K300

This shop is in Crossing on Ranik's Map 1.


8 - Roasted Pig....................... K475 
9 - Tasty Chicken Legs................ K550 
10 - Sheep and Carrot Pie.............. K450 
11 - Fish Stew......................... K375 
12 - Beast ala Potato.................. K500 


13 - Sweet Apple Cider................. K100 
14 - Lemon Tea......................... K075 
15 - Spiced Wine....................... K125 
16 - Dark Lotta Beer................... K075