Post:Artificing product cooldown on use is punishing - 06/14/2020 - 12:31

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Re: Artificing product cooldown on use is punishing · on 8/7/2010 7:27:04 PM 5725
> 1. When will the last two sigil farming feats be turned on? This is critical to make sigil farming feasible.

Only the final sigil harvesting technique is currently disabled. I hope to enable it once Binding is released. That has been a side project for this year, just takes time to code up the dozens of unique enchantments and new mechanics needed to support it.

> 2. Any word on making the bands from engineering work with the stat rings or releasing a "ring" we can use? Right now they seem to be hard-coded to +1, even with 80+ sigils used to enchant the 50-100 plat rings from the corn maze (when they can be enchanted).

I'm not sure we are allowed to have player-made stat rings higher than +1. Sigil quality affects the duration right now. I'll inquire though.

> 3. Can you confirm the arcana required to use each grade of enchant? It's difficult to do this analysis ourselves with high CDs (sometimes hours to days) on limited charge items which you can't even make very often due to #1. Ie: minor is 250 for consistent use, lesser = 500, greater = 750, and major is 1500? Is this affected by anything other than arcana?

I believe each range caps training at approximately - 200, 500, 1000, 1750. It is my intent to allow players to get a feel for their personal chance of success while focusing each item. Much like mages can gauge how difficult a particular spell is to cast.

> 4. Can you confirm the rumor that capacity of the item is set to work best with sigils and founts of a certain range? ie: someone was saying that a capacity of 50 should have sigils around 50 and a common fount for the best results. Without giving too much PAFO away, is there truth to this? Would I expect a better product from using avg. 50 precision sigils on a 50 capacity base and common fount as I would if using an ultra rare fount with 99 precision sigils on the same 50 capacity items?

The fount sets the maximum amount of sigil precision an item can possess. If you use a 20 capacity sigil and then scribe 50 precision sigils, you'll just be wasting the sigils. If you use a 99 capacity fount with 20 precision sigils, you aren't taking advantage of the fount but you aren't going to risk any danger either.

Fount capacity will become more important with Binding where 2 enchantments can exist on an item. The existing sigil precision will penalize your attempts to imbue a second enchantment... necessitating you use higher precision sigils and higher capacity founts.

> 5. Are there hidden stats which make foci or armor from MT events more powerful than the crafted variants of the same grade and tier? ie: I've heard the $1500 corn maze armor was producing way more damage than similar enchants of the same grade and tier. It could be bad testing, and I don't think anyone would be bothered if it were; however, it would be useful to know if the perceive messaging wasn't sufficient to determine which is better.

The enchanting system isn't designed to have hidden stats, so given the same Grade, Precision(Tier) and Modifier, the enchantments should work similarly. For end prizes though we do tend to pump up the tier/grade of the base item and the enchantment so you may just be noticing the effects of that? The different flares also allocate damage differently from each other, so you might be noticing that too?

And players cannot craft enchanted armor, so I'm not sure this is even a concern yet... the armor in question is a much higher Tier than normal, and everything looks to be working as expected.

> 6. Any word on fixing the "Action" verb in sigil farming? It sometimes procs without benefit, and you have to do it twice in succession. Both times increase danger. It wouldn't be the worst due to #1, but right now it just greatly reduces the chance of improving a sigil.

Yes I'll look at this again. It is very difficult to reproduce and the cause of the bug makes no sense.

> 7. Can you confirm the skills required to determine success in farming a sigil? Do buffs count? Is it virtually impossible for certain skill ranges to make very high precision sigils (95+)? If so, are there plans to release sigils in another form that doesn't require literally hundreds of hours of farming for one of 4 sigils for that consumable enchant on MT materials already purchased? (I know that's wordy and perhaps overly harsh, but this has become a very sore spot for aspiring enchanters)

It is intentional that sigil precision is artificially capped around 85-90 currently. Folks might not be happy about that, but it was done to avoid flooding the market while I could data mine and sort out where we wanted to go. Challenges in my life prevent me from spending as much time coding as I used to, so everything ends up coming much slower than I want and the players need.

> 8. Can you review work order payout? Considering the sigil farming time and enchanting time, the payouts should be 4-5x what they are.

Sure, I'll add this to the list of things to review.

> 9. Is it intentional for sigils to change from one year to the other. eg: a room with induction in fall may not have induction during the next fall. A little annoying but manageable if so, but it's good to know if this is bug, intentional, or a "happy accident".

Sigils were only designed to change with the seasons... could be a bug, I'll do some digging heh.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Enchanting, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.