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Regimonde Dorington
Status Retired
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Trader
Instance Platinum

You see The Dashing Regimonde Dorington, Trader of Zoluren, a Human. He has a square-jawed face with laugh lines, sparkling blue-green eyes and a classical nose. His silver-streaked black hair is short and thick, and is worn slicked back away from his face. He has tanned skin and a brawny build. He is very tall for a Human. He appears middle-aged. He has a thick, evenly trimmed full mustache that droops heavily on your upper lip.

He is wearing a dashing white satin hat with a black silk ribbon around the brim, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a white silk tie with a platinum skull stud in the center, a floor-length golden cloak of shimmering firesilk with brown undertones, a witch ball, a well-cut dark purple nightsilk jacket patterned with subtle embroidery, a collared alabaster spidersilk shirt with flamboyant golden stitching, , a dark jade bracelet inlaid with a gold and ruby dragon, a platinum bracelet inset with the crest of the Traders' Guild, an engraved platinum ring displaying an exquisite black diamond, an engraved gold ring displaying a blood-red ruby, an engraved sterling silver ring inset with a dark emerald, a polished silver ring set with a gleaming blue sapphire, an exquisitely hand-tooled highwayman's belt of stark white leather, a rich maroon leather sheath with exquisite gold and silver detailing, a canvas feedbag fancifully embroidered in platinum thread, a crimson gem pouch embroidered with silver and gold thread, a brushed silver contract case clasped with a golden raven, some supple maroon leather pants lined with sleek golden firesilk and some dark leather winged boots lined with luxurious sable fur.

Owner of an azure entrance leading to 'Nothing But Extraordinary' located in The Crossing - Market Plaza, Sun Room