The Theory of Binding Infinite Probability into Finitude: Part 2, The Naming Ritual

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OOC: This theory was discussed by its creator, Lenaea, on 4/7/19.
"We know from experience that names anger extra planar beings, Pelag and the Arbiter in particular, but none yet have proposed a reason why. We hypothesize that the Naming Ritual does violence to the Plane of Probability in this way: The Naming Ritual binds infinite probability--no, infinite possibility--into finitude."

"Bear with me, because this is somewhat complex."

"The inherent problem with naming a thing is that no name can encapsulate the thing in its entirety. Indeed, on this Plane, the nature of a thing is usually far greater than its name can describe. But a name is far more than a mere simplification."

"Names, in essence, assign limits and transform extraordinarily complex concepts into basic things that our minds can understand and communicate. A name, here, provides certainty, and it removes doubt."

"Names have power. They define what something is and--perhaps more importantly--what something is not."

"Turning to the Plane of Probability, everything and nothing, there, has its place: all that was and was not, is and is not, will be and will not be. Every possible incarnation exists and does not exist."

"So, then, what effect does a Name have when bestowed on something in the Plane of Probability?"

"We believe that when a name is bestowed on something there, the thing is made to exist, irrespective of whether it would have, could have, or might have otherwise. In addition, just as it would here on this Plane, the name bestows certainty on the thing in the Plane of Probability, but that certainty causes the thing to exist in only one state. The name causes it to be separated from anything it might otherwise have been, or not been. The name removes the thing from Probability."

"Suddenly, a myriad of infinite possibility, shimmering and reflecting upon countless facets of a prism, is transmuted into a single, dull piece of glass. That is the violence of a name in the Plane of Probability."

"And now to turn to the Naming Ritual."

"What little we know of the Naming ritual is that Names were attached to Grazhir shards here, and in the Astral Plane, so that a Moon Mage of certain skill can interact with the shards and pick them out in the Astral, even if that mage lacks the skill of a Crowther."

"But we also know that the Astral Plane is not the same as the Plane of Probability. So why, then, would the Naming Ritual, and its names for Grazhir shards in the Astral, be of any concern to creatures from the Plane of Probability?"

"A single word: Overlap."

"Our research discloses that the Astral Plane abuts the Plane of Abiding and has a similar relationship to the Plane of Probability. To visualize it, think of three circles in a triangular formation, each one overlapping with the others."

"We hypothesize that the Grazhir shards on this Plane overlap with both the Astral Plane and the Plane of Probability. If this is so, the Naming Ritual did not merely assign a name to a piece of a broken moon here, and in the Astral Plane, but the Plane of Probability as well."

"The Plane of Probability contains all that was, is, was not, is not, could, and could not be. When we named the shards, it could be that we forced Grazhir to be forever broken on the Plane of Probability, never again to be whole, because we assigned certainty to some of its pieces. We hypothesize that whatever those shards might have otherwise been on the Plane of Probability may be gone."

"The Naming Ritual is a wellspring of hostility because it binds the infinite into finitude. This is our hypothesis."

"If our theory is correct, the question becomes how to apply this knowledge to resolve our conflict with extra planar entities. If we are incorrect, the problem of extra planar conflict remains. In either case, we need to move forward."

"There are some who disagree, arguing that we should do nothing and leave well enough alone. I do not embrace such a laissez faire approach, nor do the scholars with whom I work."

"We already tried to reach out to creatures from the Plane of Probability to gain knowledge and perhaps a mutual understanding. That did not go well. This time, we propose an indirect approach. The final details of a plan are now coming together to speak to the one person who might know whether we are correct, and who might be able to give us advice on what to do."

"This same person probably knows the Arbiter better than anyone else. And this same person bestowed a Name onto an entity from the Plane of Probability, Pelag ai Aldam. According to Bardic recollection, she claims to be the one who damned us."

"We will seek out Nera."

"Without divulging too much of the plan before its details are finalized, we will use teleportation magic to create a subtle anomaly in probability, in our present time, that Nera would have noticed in the past. Our hope is that she will reach forward to speak with us, just as she did with Pelag and the Arbiter."

"The execution of this plan will likely require the combined efforts of many, including Moon Mages, Traders, Bards, and others. Of course, we will take as many precautions as we are able, as we have always endeavored to do."

"We will meet again in the coming weeks to iron out the finer points of the plan. I hope each of you will come to help us."

"And I'd also like to add that Rafano will soon lead a group of scholars to perform research as well."