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Around 20th circle, you can get a horse and ride it. Horses (and their riders) can be trained in various skills.


  • Horse techniques for the rider or the horse can be taught by the Stablemaster or a member of a certain guild.
  • Only one person or horse can be instructed at a time.
  • No normal class can be taught at the same time as instructing.
  • To see what you can teach type INSTRUCT (PERSON). If it tells you that you can't teach that person anything, then you know the subjects, but can't teach them.

Rider Skills

Basic Horsemanship

Everyone seems to be able to learn basic horsemanship from the Stablemaster. Even those people under the minimum for most skills which appears to be 20th circle.


  • Paladins can learn Combat by asking the Stablemaster about Combat after completing Basic Horsemanship
  • Paladins and Rangers can teach other characters about Combat (40th circle or higher)
  • Instructing a person in Combat takes about 80 minutes.


  • Paladins can learn Jousting by asking the Stablemaster about Joust after completing Basic Horsemanship
  • Paladins can teach other characters about Joust (probably 50th circle or higher)
  • Anyone can joust apparently, even without being tought Jousting knowledge and even if the horse is not Jousting trained. Probably better jousting with appropriate training.


  • Spell casters can ask Stablemaster about Prep if high enough skill/circle.


  • Warrior Mages can teach other chacters about Targetted.
  • Teaching Targetted takes approximately 30 minutes.


  • Rangers can teach other characters about War.


  • Barbarians can teach LOAD, which allows someone to load a weapon while on horseback.
  • Teaching Load takes approximately 20 minutes.


  • Rangers can teach other characters how to ride bareback.
  • Bareback lessons take approximately 10 minutes.

Horse Skills

  • Only Rangers can teach horses most skills.
  • It takes approximately 6 hours to teach a single horse every possible skill.
  • Jump:
  • Beg: The horse can sit and beg
  • Kneel: Required for the shorter races to mount a bigger horse. And be warned that if you want plate on your horse, you need a bigger animal.
  • Magic: Teaches horse to accept its rider's use of magic.
  • Saddle: Teaches horse to accept a saddle.
  • Spin/Rear
  • Race (tolernace): Without this skill the horse will cause problems any time a Prydaen enters the room. Pryadaen and Rakash cannot use their horses unless it has this class.
  • War: Paladin Only. Makes the horse into a Warhorse so it will fight along with its rider.
  • Lead (rope): Teaches horse to accept a lead rope.
  • Joust: Teaches a horse to joust.
  • Combat: Combat teaches the horse to remain calm at melee range.

Announcement regarding horses by Jeremael

Greetings! I've updated the Horse System with a number of new things.

1) Moved the spin trick to SIGNAL and gave you the bonus rear trick along with it. SIGNAL HORSE REAR & SIGNAL HORSE SPIN.

2) A new Ranger to horse instructable technique that allows the horse a new movement style. Prancing!

3) A new Bard to player instructable technique that allows a mounted player to get things from the ground while mounted.

4)A new Trader to player instructable technique that deals with advanced riding. This will allow you to ride more efficiently on long stretches of road.

Thanks to all the player support and suggestions in the last few months since the debut of the system! Keep it up and I hope to see you at Simucon 2002!

GM Jeremael

Horse Trading

Only members of the Trader Guild of the appropriate circle (20th?) can trade or sell a horse from one person to another. This can be done at stables that sell horses.

Horse Capturing

Only Rangers of at least 60th circle can capture a wild horse.

Horses are usually only encountered in the wild by Rangers attempting to capture one of a herd. In the process of breaking the herd, the horse may attack the ranger. For information about horses as creatures, click here: Horse (creature)

Finding and hunting horses can be a chore. A member of any guild may separate one from the herd, but only Rangers can catch horses.

In the steppes around Horse Clan, you will find herds of wild horses. To encounter a lone horse, you must cut the herd. First, hide, then STALK HERD about 3 or 4 times until you are "dangerously close" Then you can CUT HERD which will isolate a horse from the herd. Occasionally the herd will move rooms as you are stalking it, and you will need to follow it and start the stalking process all over again.

Once cut from the herd, a Ranger of at least 60th circle may attempt to catch the horse, but anyone can kill it. If left to their own devices, lone horses are usually promptly devoured by golden pards.

Killing Player Horses

Player-owned horses killable through a bug and skinnable once slain. Since killing a player-owned horse is a bug it is currently against policy.

Horse History

Horses were first introduced into DragonRealms by GameMaster Jeremael around 2000 or 2001.