Grey Wind Manor

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[Grey Wind Manor, Vestibule]
Cheerful white lights burn in gaethzen spheres fixed into the ceiling above, illuminating the crescent-shaped room clearly. Five doors fan out against the curving east, south, and west walls, and an oval portal filled with swirling mist occupies the straight northern wall. A fluted crystal column with a beveled top stands in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: none.

The column is engraved with the following words:
            --==* VESTIBULE DIRECTORY *==--
 OAKEN DOOR - Landscaper's Lounge
 AZURE DOOR - Office of the Lord of the Manor (Closed)
 SILVER DOOR - Office of the Lord's Seneschal (Closed)
 SKY    DOOR - Crystal Room
 WHITE DOOR - Office of Natural Harmony and Paradox
Those who wish may return to Elanthia through the PORTAL.)
(The oval portal will take you to the Landing)

[Grey Wind Manor, Sky Room]
Painted a stunning sky blue, this room is ominously empty except for the marble pedestal sitting in the exact center. A glowing crystal rests atop it, silently beckoning you to take a closer look.
Obvious exits: out.

Study crystal

As you carefully scrutinize the crystal, a haze of swirling mists form out of nothingness and surround you.  
As they dissipate, you are left with a better understanding of the glowing crystal.
You feel that TURNing the crystal would reveal each of your areas to you, and if you were to GET the crystal, 
you'd be taken to the attuned area.  As your memories fade, a voice imparts, "Should you forget which area I 
am attuned to, simply TOUCH me and I'll impart the area once more.)

turn crystal

You feel a subtle shift in your balance then hear your own voice clearly speaking in your head, 
"I am attuned and centered upon a realm known as <Person>'s Test Zone.")

touch crystal

You hear your own voice in your head speaking clearly, "I am attuned and centered upon a realm known as <Person>'s Test Zone."
You reach out and touch a glowing crystal.

get crystal

As you start to pick up the glowing crystal, your surroundings blur into a mishmash of fading colors.  
Just for a moment, you feel a faint touch of dizzyness and then everything becomes grey...

[The Creation House, Storage Room]
Four brick walls, a green tiled floor and a purple ceiling surround you. Though few would find it tasteful, the room still manages to exude a cozy atmosphere. The room is illuminated, though the source of light is not evident.
Obvious exits: none.