Temple of Ushnish

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This shrine lies on Varlet's Run in the Crossing. The street on which it lies looks like this:

[The Crossing, Varlet's Run]
This is a small, foul-smelling byway that most civilized folks would flee through as quickly as their feet would carry them. And yet, this lane seems to exert a perverse fascination, a hint of things unseen, sinister or forbidden always just about to transpire. You also see a dark shrine.
Obvious exits: north, east.

look shrine
There is something compelling yet hideous about the shrine, as far as you can tell from here. You are tempted to go over and inspect it more closely.

If you GO SHRINE, this is what you will find:

[Shrine of Ushnish]
In a dark, fetid alley, hard behind the Viper's Nest Inn, you happen upon a small shrine. Kicking away what appears to be rubbish from around it, you reveal a sculpted granite image of the serpent god Ushnish. Seeing that, you realize with a shudder that it is not rubbish you just pushed aside, but offerings of dead rats, uncured, fresh skins and other offal left by devotees of the viper-headed deity.
Obvious exits: out.

look rubbish
As you look closely at the pile, you realize it is actually a heap of offerings of a rather bizarre nature, left recently by Ushnish's followers.

look image
You behold the graven image of the God of Discord, Disease and Famine, the Lord Ushnish, negative aspect of Hav'roth and patron deity of the S'kra Mur. His body is half humanoid-half snake, with the pointed, fanged head of a viper ready to strike.