Hi. This is me. I love tarts and no fancy formatting.
You are Grayhair Sarvatt Meep'lek of Aesry Surlaenis'a, a Halfling Ranger.
You are wearing a twisted demon mask. Gaunt skin is stretched tightly over your skin, and tiny yellowed horns stick out from your forehead. Utterly suave and sophisticated, you smile with charm and class, a thick, well-groomed mane of honey hair hanging down your back. Sanguine eyes full of confidence, you have a nicely oiled honey goatee and leathern wings that hang straight and tall from your shoulders.
You are a grayhair.
You have a bushy, drooping mustache on your upper lip and a long tangled beard.
You have a tattoo of a sinuous elsralael curved smoothly in a serpentine shape on your neck.
You look tired.
Always tired.