Talk:News 5 25 - Consent policy: questions and answers
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Thanks! --Kythryn 17:06, 8 September 2016 (CDT)
Overall I think that NEWS 5 25 does a good job of clarifying specific consent situations, however I did find some contradictions between scenarios found in both NEWS 5 24 and NEWS 5 25. It doesn't make much difference to me which rules are chosen moving forward so much as I'd like to see less gray areas like these that can be left open to interpretation.
From NEWS 5 24:
Spells that do not cause *direct* harm to the target do not provide consent UNLESS they are being used as a means to do harm to the target, harass the target, or in an abuse/theft type of situation.
From NEWS 5 25:
But it wasn't harmful ... it was a helpful spell. Is *that* consent? YES
From NEWS 5 24:
In cases of theft however, for as long as the thief retains what was stolen, they are operating under implied consent and the victim has the right to try and retrieve their things in an IC setting. This means it is NOT satisfied by one death if the thief retains the items or coins.
From NEWS 5 25:
I stole from you. I therefore gave you consent to retaliate with violence. When you attack me violently, I DO have the right to defend myself. But when you kill me, that's it, it's over. --WHITEBEAUTY (talk) 05:53, 17 September 2016 (CDT)