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Union Introduction of Archivist: Summary of the meeting below:

LSU Digest: Nideaya has taken the position of Archivist. OOC:Responsibilities include DR forums and Wiki. Will also of course keep running logs of meetings. 
       In progress: -communication for meetings. 
                    -monthly meeting.
      -positions: open for Treasurer and Events Cordinatoor. 
      -re-evaluting the box system. 
                    -re-evaluting criticia for Union Membership. 
Arandrowse says, "Hello everyone."
Arandrowse says, "Thank you for coming."
Arandrowse says, "If word has not reached you yet."
Arandrowse says, "I am Ranger Arandrowse, the leader of The Locksmith Union."
Arandrowse says, "The main reason I called you all here is because we now have another officer in our midst."
Arandrowse says, "Archivist Nideaya is now our Archivist."
Arandrowse says, "That is an important thing to discuss."
Arandrowse says, "I also love to mention my wife."
Arandrowse says, "This is my wife, the Bard Caerhys."
Kyodan says to Caerhys, "Nice to meet you."
Arandrowse says, "If everyone could join me for a moment."
Side Note: As Archivist, I would also like to get a running current rooster going on Union members for updating. 
I will be asking around but please feel free to contact (ring) me or find me at the Pond. 
Scroll and Stuff

Locksmith Union 6.22.16

[20:28] Arandrowse says, "Hello everyone."

Broxton says, "Would anyone like to buy this."
Arandrowse says, "Thank you for coming."
Arandrowse says, "If word has not reached you yet."
Arandrowse says, "I am Ranger Arandrowse, the leader of The Locksmith Union."
Kyodan says to Arandrowse, "I think I was told that already."
Kyodan asks, "Are we having a meeting?"
Kyodan asks, "Or were we?"
You say, "Locksmith one, yes."
Arandrowse says, "No we are."
Kyodan says, "Oh okay."
Arandrowse says, "The main reason I called you all here is because we now have another officer in our midst."
Kyodan says, "Oh."
Kyodan asks, "?"
Arandrowse says, "Archivist Nideaya is now our Archivist."
Kyodan says, "We need to set up a system where we can reach each other. I didnt know there was a meeting today."
Arandrowse says, "That is an important thing to discuss."
Arandrowse says, "I also love to mention my wife."
Arandrowse says, "This is my wife, the Bard Caerhys."
Kyodan says to Caerhys, "Nice to meet you."
Arandrowse says, "If everyone could join me for a moment."
Kyodan says, "Err gimmie a moment."
Fariden asks, "We moving?"
Arandrowse says, "No just discussing things a little bit closer in concert."
Arandrowse says, "So if you could join."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: Alright so Nideaya will be taking up updates to the wiki, as well as posting forum stuff."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: To get things to work well as far as meetings, what are some things that people think does work for them?"
 You whisper to Fariden, Kyodan, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: are we thinking like the third wednesday of every month? "
Kyodan whispers to your group, "OOC: chat for locksmith union?"
Arandrowse whispers, "OOC: A regular meeting might be one option."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: A regular meeting might be one option, a group chat, with what AIM?"
You whisper to Fariden, Kyodan, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: Pros of it being regular is everyone knows what's going on. It's not tentitive. "
Kyodan whispers to your group, "OOC: Yeah, I am with a group chat with Seords and it works great. It might be a good way to get ahold of everyone at once"
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: I'm an odd ball I don't use AIM hardly ever, so is there some way to interlink say gmail messanger with AIM stuff?"
Kyodan whispers to your group, "OOC: Not sure"
You whisper to Fariden, Kyodan, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: we can also do Union News, and play games. Like box roulette. "
Fariden whispers to your group, "OOC: It is free to sign up for. I just run it in a web page when I am in game, personally."
Arandrowse whispers, "OOC: I mean would you want to be like a secretary a update me with crap going on in the 'locksmith union' group chat, this is completely your call.  I know I don't use AIM enough for it to work for me though directly."
Thady whispers to your group, "what is the address to the page?"
You whisper to Fariden, Kyodan, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: I think it's important to have the leader in the chat, if there is going to be one. Stuff either okay, or gets out of control. tehe. "
Kyodan whispers to your group, "I am DEFINATLY not leader type "
Kyodan whispers to your group, "Gimmie a moment, work calls"
Kyodan says, "Be right back."
You whisper to Hennii, Fariden, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: It's not a bad idea, just stuff happens that can require a hammer. "
You whisper to Hennii, Fariden, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: I am happy to put it together, if needed. "
Hennii whispers to your group, "OOC: Slack?"
You whisper to Hennii, Fariden, Thady, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: we are talking about starting a monthly, meeting like maybe the third wednesday of every month, and maybe a AIM group chat. "
Arandrowse asks, "Here for Locksmith Union meeting?"
Hammerfist says, "Herad there was lockpicking folks around."
Arandrowse says, "Yes there are."
Hammerfist says, "I can't get this one."
Arandrowse says, "I am Arandrowse the Locksmith Union Leader."
Arandrowse says, "This is my wife, the Bard Caerhys."
Fariden asks Hammerfist, "Where's it from?"
Hammerfist says, "Looks to be either top tier xala or invasion gladiator."
Arandrowse says, "This is Nideaya, who just accepting the officer position of Archivist of the Locksmith Union."
You exclaim, "Scrolls!"
You say, "This girl."
Hammerfist asks, "Anyone want to disarmit for me?"
Arandrowse says to Niktika, "We now have an archivist."
Arandrowse says, "She's taken the position."
You say, "Scrolls and such."
You say, "This elf."
Kyodan says, "Sorry about that."
You say, "It's wonderful to see so many people come to the pond."
Kyodan says, "Sorry about that."
Arandrowse says, "It is above my ability, I'm trying to delegate and see if one of the others has the skills."
Hammerfist says, "Shrapnel trap, i think."
You ask, "Let me see?"
Fariden says, "Xala'shar overseer boxes are about two to three times my skill."
Kyodan says, "Oooooo xala boxes."
You say, "Oh, it's two traps."
Kyodan says, "Oh if its a teleport box I buy those."
You say, "And a boomer."
You say, "I hope someone has good first aid."
Hammerfist says, "3 plat per box."
Hammerfist says, "These sky giants ones."
You say, "I can't bring my self to do it."
You say, "I just blew myself twice on them from Korutu."
You say, "Sorry, Hammer."
Hammerfist asks Kyodan, "Want them?"
Kyodan says, "Sure."
Kyodan says, "Sorry I hadnt been paying attention."
You say, "Boxies are wonderful aren't they."
Kyodan says, "Especially teleport boxes."
You say, "Only if the moon is up."
You say, "If not it's sort of gross."
You say, "It's like, oh - there he is... everywhere."
Kyodan says, "I got mad tho once. I was all ready to set off a teleport box and then......I wind up disarming it. I had no where the     SKILL to open it but I got it."
Fariden says, "Good learning for an empath that doesn't mind gore, I suppose."
Kyodan says, "I always make sure the proper moon is up."
Kyodan says, "I think Walcar gave that to me. I dont remember."
You say, "It cracks me up."
Kyodan says, "Well let me know what everyone decides. You know how to get ahold of me. I have a ritual I need to complete for devotion."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: I'm wondering about setting some type of email group up, and we'd talk through there."
You whisper to Kyodan, Hennii, Fariden, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: gmail, of course is perfect for that. "
Nimthiriel says to Hammerfist, "Thank you baby."
Hammerfist says, "Anytime."
Kyodan whispers to your group, "OOC: My aim is Kyodandr also my twitter account is the same  "
You whisper to Kyodan, Hennii, Fariden, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "OOC: it might be a good start. A set meeting and a email group."
Hammerfist says, "Oh a hard teleport box."
Kyodan whispers to your group, "I only have 15 minutes til I have to log off so I need to go take care of an errand"
Kyodan says, "Get ahold of me when we get a meeting set."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: I think we figured out well enough for this meeting."
Fariden says, "Well, as a locksmithing enthuthiast, I am happy to see the Union picking back up."
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: For now I'll just keep it to my DR email ArandrowseDR[at]"
Arandrowse whispers to your group, "OOC: Fire off an email there if you would."
You whisper to Hennii, Caerhys, and Arandrowse, "fired off. "
Arandrowse says, "See you."
You say, "Of course."
You say, "Have a good morning."

This information is provided for Locksmith Union members. Happy Viewing, Nideaya Scrolls and Stuff