Bug command

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The BUG command is used while in-game to report a bug to Simutronics staff. The command works differently depending on which front end is being used.



BUG {category};{title};{text}
ex. BUG room;The description is missing;The room description is blank for the interior of Abu's House of Weapons.


For Genie and any other FE with a mapped semi-colon:

BUG {category}\;{title}\;{text}
ex. BUG room\;The description is missing\;The room description is blank for the interior of Abu's House of Weapons.


For Vipmud the semi-colon is mapped as follows:

BUB {category}~;{title}\;{text}
ex. Bug room~;The description is missing~;The room description is blank for the interior of Abu's House of Weapons.


In the Wizard front end, typing bug will produce syntax help as below:

This will issue an email to play.net's bug tracking database.  Be as detailed as possible, describing what
you were doing, the behavior you expected, and the behavior you experienced.  Preferably you should be in
the same room you were in when the bug occurred, holding the same equipment, and wearing the same gear, as
this information will be included in the bug report.  DO NOT ISSUE BUG REPORTS FOR GAME CRASHES OR LAG
PROBLEMS.  Do not use this mechanism to make suggestions or feature requests.  Those should be posted to the


{category} must be one of the following:

DragonRealms specific categories
CHARACTER - problems related to your character
CREATURE - creatures and NPC problems
MAGIC - problems with a spell, sign or symbol
COMBAT - combat errors
ROOM - problems with a room or area
CRAFTING - issues with crafting
ITEM - problems with an item - Please hold in your hands
TYPO - misspellings and grammar errors
OTHER - problems with things not easily categorized Client specific categories
STORMFRONT - problems with the StormFront Front End
ESCAPE - problems with the eScape Front End
WIZARD - problems with the Wizard Front End


{title} can be no more than 128 characters in length


{text} can be no more than 875 characters

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