Twohanded edged weapons (crafted)

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A list of standard crafted weapons, in a format that compares.

Item Range Puncture Slice Impact FOI Balance Suitability Construction Weight Notes
<metal> folded katana melee ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 18- p.invulnerable 30 swappable, verby, auction grade
<metal> war sword melee 07- mod 09- heavy 05- fair 03- poor 06- decently 05- fair 17- n.impervious 45 swappable
<metal> bastard sword melee 03- low 12- v.great 06- s.mod 03- poor 05- fair 06- decently 17- n.impervious 45 swappable
<metal> greataxe melee 01- dismal 16- v.extreme 06- s.mod 05- fair 04- inad 08- soundly 17- n.impervious 60
<metal> claymore melee 05- fair 13- severe 07- mod 04- inad 03- poor 09- well 17- n.impervious 70
<metal> igorat axe melee 01- dismal 14- v.severe 11- great 06- decently 03- poor 09- well 17- n.impervious 75
<metal> splitting maul melee 05- fair 12- v.great 09- heavy 05- fair 04- inad 07- reasonably 17- n.impervious 75 swappable
<metal> double axe pole 03- low 16- v.extreme 10- v.heavy 05- fair 03- poor 09- well 17- n.impervious 90