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You see Rilyth Finn, a Human.
He has an oval face, gold-flecked emerald eyes and a freckled nose. His auburn hair is short and straight, and is worn shaggy. He has smooth skin and a lean build.
He is short for a Human.
His right hip has a tattoo of a rended and fleshy wound exposing battered steel and gears rather than bones and sinew.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dull serpent earcuff, a fossilized pivuh heart strung on braided sinew, a black blindfold, a playful crimson moonsilver fox with comically oversized ears, an ebony double-stringed crossbow set with mother-of-pearl, a dark iron barbed-wire armband, a small diamond-hide bracelet set with polished coin charms, a blackened steel ring with knotwork etching surrounding a crystalline dragon tear, a pair of baggy lava drake-hide pants and a twisted black gold manacle clasped with a pillow-cut rainbow sapphire.

(current look: 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Iron Toad)


Race: Human
Roleplay Stance: Heavy
Spouse: Single
PvP Stance: Open
Guild: Unknown
Status: Alive
Instance: Prime


Rilyth was born on the 13th day of the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Silver Unicorn, 378 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer. His current age is 39 years but due to the gift bestowed by the Gods to Empath's, known as shifting, he appears much, much younger to the naked eye.

Not much else is known about Rilyth due to his private nature, but those who do know him state that he is of noble character. His willingness to help others, and his selflessness in doing so, has gained him respect among his peers.

We do know that Rilyth spends most of his time slaughtering various creatures in the fields with the best hunting companion anyone could ask for, Ahwen Mokein, a legendary Dwarven Empath. And in his spare time away from the hunting grounds, he can be found in various shops across the realms as he is an avid collector of rare gems, metals, weapons, jewelry, various oddities, and last but not least, pants.