Reinforce (script)

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Reinforce (script)
Category crafting
Front-end StormFront,Wizard,Genie
Author Pfanston


You can find the Tailoring guide here Tailoring player guide.

This script will allow you to Lighten cloth or leather armor or shields. To use this script you must have the Tailored Craft Enhancement technique. Without this Tech you can't lighten or reinforce tailored armors and shields. First thing you need is have needles with the proper thread already put on the needles in your reincontainer (PUT THREAD ON MY NEEDLE). Note from what I can tell fine thread works just fine for all reinforcing projects. You don't need to use a thick or heavy thread on leather items to lighten them. Also note that each Push of the needles will use 1 yard of thread. You can use from 6 to 10 yards of thread per reinforced item. Maybe more for big armor items like leathers.

Second have your tailoring book open to the correct page for armor Reinforcing in chapter 1 and in your tailorbookcontainer, and yes you can make this container the same as the one where your tools are at.

Third have the item to be reinforced in your reincontainer. Have one extra set of the same type of thread you are using in your container also on top in case you run out. The script will try to rethread the needles and continue on.

This script will run as is in stormfront, and genie. To make it run in the Wizard you need to make a few changes.

Other Tailor Scripts

The Reinforce.cmd script is part of a tailoring script set as follows:



The tailoring book is required to reinforce an item.

Parameters .reinforce <item> <reincontainer> <Tailorbookcontainer>.

where <item> is the item to be reinforced, gloves, shield, etc..
<reincontainer> where tools and items start.
<tailorbookcontainer> where the tailoring book is located.

Example - .reinforce tasset bag pack
.reinforce vest bag pack
.reinforce greaves bag pack
.reinforce vambraces bag pack
.reinforce gloves bag pack
.reinforce cowl bag pack
.reinforce shield bag pack


#  usage .reinforce <item> <reincontainer> <Tailorbookcontainer>
#    where <item> is the item to be reinforced, gloves, shield, etc.
#          <reincontainer> where tools and item starts.
#          <tailorbookcontainer> where the tailoring book is located.
# Note this script is set up for stormfront.  To make it run for the wizard, 
# change setvariable toolr tooltypes to save tooltypes.  Then change the line
# goto myr%toolr to goto myr%s.
# First thing you need is have needles with the proper thread already put on the
# needles in your ReinfContainer (PUT THREAD ON MY NEEDLE).  Note from what I can 
# tell fine thread works just fine for all reinforcing projects.  You dont need to
# use a thick or heavy thread on leather items to reinforce them.  Also note that
# each Push of the needles will use 1 yard of thread.  You can use from 6 to 10 yards
# of thread per reinforced item.  Maybe more for big armor items like leathers.
# Second have your tailoring book open to the correct page for armor reinforcing in
# chapter 1 and in your ReinfBookContainer, and yes you can make this container the
# same as the one where your tools are at. 
# Third have the item to be reinforced in your reincontainer.  Have one extra set
# of the same type of thread you are using in your container also in case you run
# out.  The script will try to rethread the needles and continue on.  And also have
# at least one Large cloth padding in your container as well.
# The script will then get the book and study it, then get the scissors and armor
# item made from either cloth or leather out and begin the process.

  put get my tailoring book from my %3
waitfor You get
  put study my book
waitfor Roundtime
  put put my tailoring book in my %3
waitfor You put
  put get %1 from my %2
waitfor You get
  put get scissors from my %2
waitfor You get
  setvariable toolr scissors
#  save scissors
  put cut my %1 with my scissors
waitfor Roundtime

  goto myr%toolr
#  goto myr%s
  pause 2
  put put my needle in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto ranalyze1
  pause 2
  put put my scissors in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto ranalyze1
  pause 2
  put put my yardstick in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto ranalyze1
  pause 2
  put put my pins in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto ranalyze1
  pause 2
  put put my awl in my %2
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  put analyze my %1
  match rneedle pushing it with a needle and thread
  match ryardstick dimensions changed while working on it, and further progress would be benefited by remeasuring
  match rscissors Additional scissor cuts are required
  match rscissors ready for further cutting with some scissors
  match rscissors Some scissor cuts must be made to the
  match rpins is in need of pinning to help arrange the material
  match rawl an awl to add these holes
  match rawl requires some holes punched
  match rlpad1 is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match REnd to be a type of finished
  match rrethread The last of your thread is used up

  setvariable toolr needle
#  save needle
  pause 1
  put get my needle from my %2
waitfor You get
  put push my %1 with my needle
  match rlpad is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match rrethread The last of your thread is used up
  match ranalyze Roundtime

  pause 1
  put put my needle in my %2
waitfor You put
  put get thread from my %2
waitfor You get
  put put thread on needle in my %2
waitfor You put
goto ranalyze

  setvariable toolr yardstick
#  save yardstick
  pause 1
  put get my yardstick from my %2
waitfor You get
  put measure my %1 with my yardstick
  match rlpad is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match ranalyze Roundtime

  setvariable toolr scissors
#  save scissors
  pause 1
  put get my scissors from my %2
waitfor You get
  put cut my %1 with my scissors
  match rlpad is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match ranalyze Roundtime

  setvariable toolr pins
#  save pins
  pause 1
  put get my pins from my %2
waitfor You get
  put poke my %1 with my pins
  match rlpad is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match ranalyze Roundtime

  setvariable toolr awl
#  save awl
  pause 1
  put get my awl from my %2
waitfor You get
  put poke my %1 with my awl
  match rlpad is ready to be reinforced with some large cloth padding
  match ranalyze Roundtime

  goto myrp%toolr
#  goto myrp%s
  pause 2
  put put my needle in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto rlpad1
  pause 2
  put put my scissors in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto rlpad1
  pause 2
  put put my yardstick in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto rlpad1
  pause 2
  put put my pins in my %2
waitfor You put
  goto rlpad1
  pause 2
  put put my awl in my %2
waitfor You put
  pause 1
  setvariable toolr none
#  save none
  put get large padding from my %2
waitfor You get
  put assemble my %1 with my large padding
waitfor You place your
goto ranalyze

  pause 1
echo -------------------------------
echo =  One %1 has been reinforced.
echo -------------------------------