User:CALLEK/Submitted BUGs

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Room Bugs

S'lai spawn

[Foothills, Road]
The hard-packed dirt of the road has been broken into a thick layer of loose dust by the passage of many feet and hooves.  An occasional roadside footprint, nearly knee-deep in hardened clay, indicates that mud must be a real problem in times of heavy rain.  You also see a S'lai scout, a S'lai scout and a S'lai scout.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.

Submitted bug "[Room Bug] S'lai" to's bug tracking database under category "Room" with these details: "'From the out' which direction is that: A S'lai scout slinks in from the out, its eyes darting about furtively."

Ranger Trail, Wolf Clan

(See this sections comment until I wiki-fy it)

Laakvor Deep Tangles

Not spawning wood trolls/gidi's/goblins, (see comment in section until I wikify)


Not currently spawning with blood dryads.

Systems Bugs

Ranger Trail

Ranger Trails and F2p Submitted bug "[Other Bug] Ranger Trails and F2p" to's bug tracking database under category "Other" with these details: "Normaly ranger trails are not even known to be in a room unless you have the skill to see/find it with SCOUT TRAIL. However with f2p if its an interprovince one you get 'You have difficulty navigating that trail.' followed by the 'because your account is free' prompt. THEN the 'You are unable to locate a trail in the area.' I suppose we shouldn't see the alert if we don't know a trail exists"

Creature Bugs

Rock Trolls