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Otaron Blueharte
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime

Living in gentile style in that area of Zolouren, North of Crossing and South of Arthe Dale, Mr and Mrs Blueharte, he a scribe and she a haberdasher, had led a quiet exsistence, happy to let most of the Realm shattering events pass them and their family bye. The family had, in the opinion of the parents, been raised to be well mannered, to have a sense of right and wrong, and the benefit of a decent education. As proof of this opinion they offered their eldest son (Raolsen) who, with his fathers help, had apprenticed to a book binder and was now a journeyman in his own right and the middle child, a daughter(Valli), who had wed a local upholsterer, and was now coping with her own child whilst helping to run her husbands business. So when their youngest son Otaron had announced that "upon reaching the required age" he intended to apply as an Entrant to the Guild of Paladins, Mr and Mrs Blueharte had been somewhat taken aback. Fortunately, for Otaron anyway, the Bluehartes had always lived by the adage "as you decide, so shall you live" which had served them and their offspring not unkindly. The fact that no millitary ambitions, let alone dealings with the "Thirteen" had ever figured in the Blueharte family history mattered not a jot to them, their confidence in their youngests upbringing and the "rightness" of his avowed decision never wavered. And so, as in most tales, Otaron reached the age where he ceased to be a lad and became a young man and, true to his word, he applied to become a Paladin(in training), what followed is still yet to be known and scribed.