Holy Being

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-With 9994 Total Magic Ranks, I do not have this title. -April 20, 2015
> exp magic 0

Circle: 155
Showing Magic skills regardless of rank.

          SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate Fraction
      Holy Magic:   1161 39% interested    (12/34)      Attunement:   1123 89% interested    (12/34)
          Arcana:   1126 02% intrigued     (16/34)  Targeted Magic:    744 15% clear          (0/34)
    Augmentation:   1045 09% deliberative  (11/34)    Debilitation:    837 10% clear          (0/34)
         Utility:   1091 02% deliberative  (11/34)         Warding:   1013 39% interested    (12/34)
         Sorcery:    739 45% attentive     (10/34)         Theurgy:   1115 47% clear          (0/34)

Total Ranks Displayed: 9994
Magic Average: 999     Skills Included: 10