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Zaulmeng Zengmaul
Status Active
Race Gor'Tog
Gender Male
Guild Trader
Instance Prime

Journeyman Craftsman: bronzesmith, pewtersmith, blacksmith, & stone mason.



You see Zaulmeng Zengmaul, Arbitrator, a Gor'Tog Trader. He has an oval face, milky white eyes and a small nose. He has bronze-green skin and a stout build. He is average height for a Gor'Tog (27 spans).

Disposition & Mannerisms

Zaulmeng has a generally friendly demeanor, but is especially warm towards Olvi and Empaths. His manner of speech is deliberate, often taking more time than most citizens to think out what he is going to say. Similarly, he is unusually careful when moving. Although clearly not the quickest witted, he obviously is educated and has worked to exercise all of his muscles ... including the one between his ears.


Zaulmeng is wearing an oilcloth cloak, a marble nose ring, some brocade leggings, some black brogans, an oilcloth backpack, a soft black harness, some armor, and some other stuff.

He prefers simple gear that performs their intended function with practicality and comfort.


Humble Beginnings

Ggurrugg, as he was originally named, was the youngest in a big green happy family. His pa was a skilled cobbler devoted to the quality of his work. Pa's workshop was in a shed near the house. Mama tended garden and sold fruits and vegetables in the summer, and canned goods year-round from her stand near the cobbler shed. His eldest brother went to work for an Uncle. The second brother had the skill and desire to become a cobbler likes his pa. But by the time Ggurrugg was ready, the family opportunities were all taken. Ggurrugg left home to find his future, free of the smells of leather and lotion.

A Time of Transition

Ggurrugg had the misfortune of crossing paths with a shady S'Kra Mur "trader" who simply called himself "The Boss." The Boss wasn't really a Trader. He eeked out a living doing small delivery jobs for folks who either couldn't afford or didn't want to involve a real Trader. The Boss called Ggurrugg his "partner" and promised Ggurrugg a fair share of the proceeds, which was always less than half. Ggurrugg was "encouraged" to wear a rusty steel nose ring to which The Boss attached a chain, to help keep him from, eh hem, getting lost. For all practical purposes, Ggurrugg began his trading career as a pack animal.

Ggurrugg slowly learned the business of small deliveries. He knew enough of the contacts. One day, Ggurrugg simply disconnected his chain and set about doing business for himself. He had a niche market serving as a courier, delivering packages too big to fit in ones pocket, but not so big they couldn't fit on his back. Faster than any pack animal or caravan and able to carry more than most other couriers, Ggurrugg had sufficient business, especially from a small group of don't-ask-don't-tell clients.

Then one day while delivering a small crate marked "This End Up" from Crossing to Langenfirth, Ggurrugg met up with an Olvi-led caravan on the northern trade route. This fine Fulsofellow was pleasant and jovial, and genuinely enjoyed doing his work. They spoke for some time as they traveled together. The Olvi encouraged him to join the Trader's guild. His new Olvi friend was very convincing and made the life of a Trader sound wonderful.

Just as Ggurrugg was about to agree, chaos broke out! Daggers were flying and angry voices were yelling to hand over your money. The pack animals stumbled and their load of tools were scattered upon the ground. Brigands! Ggurrugg tripped and fell during the mehem which sent his crate smashing to the ground, up end down.

Ggurrugg had never been violently attacked and injured in his whole life, and neither before had he experienced a rage-induced rush of energy like he did at that moment. Unarmed, Ggurrugg grabbed the nearest tools and began hurling them with all of his might at their attackers.

Out from the crate landed a female gnome with high pitched "Ufta!" She quickly worked her way out of the remaining ropes and charged the nearest brigand with naught but her nails!

If an enraged Gor'Tog throwing hammers and a frenzied gnome attacking in a rabid-like rage weren't enough of a deterrent, the Olvi Trader was slinging stone after stone with amazing precision at one brigand after another. Nearly as quickly as it began, their attackers were fleeing for the woods.

Before the dust had even settled, the gnome said sweetly, "I need to get out of here before they find me." She waved kindly and cartwheeled out of sight.

"Only a fool would risk angering you, my big green trading friend. And I have never seen anyone throw hammers like lightning. I dub thee "Zaulmeng Zengmaul," the Olvi said quite pleased with himself. The name stuck.

Life as a Trader

Zaulmeng adopted his new name not only to avoid detection by those that were using him to transport Gnomes against their will, but also because he thought it well suited him. Zaulmeng became a guilded Trader, just as his traveling companion had encouraged him to do. He found it difficult at first. Zaulmeng quickly grew tired of making deliveries. Due to his prior experiences, he felt sorry for the pack animals and caravans. However, he soon discovered his love for hammers, and forges, and chisels. He works common stone and metal with skill and is devoted to the quality of his work. He proudly wears a masterfully-carved marble nose ring that he made as an ever-present reminder of one of the lessons he has learned in life.


A hammer that createth art greater than a hammer that destroyeth.

I spend much time taking crude nuggets of metal and pounding them into something useful. Most citizens of the realms deserve to be treated better than crude nuggets of metal.

I respect those contribute more to society through fine work and good deeds than they take. Those parasites who regularly take more than they give, perhaps ought to be treated like crude nuggets of metal.

I like staves, polearms, and thrown weapons best. I choose to protect myself with a shield, chain and mail armors, and scale and brigandine armors.

I hear that our guild will someday teach us some magic. <ponders big green wagglin' finger>