Persida's Home

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[Persida's Home, Garden Secrets]
A stand of magnolia trees shields this secluded garden from both prying eyes and harsh weather, while providing host to a number of vibrantly colored finches. Several freshly tilled flowerbeds dot the area, their dark mounds marring the otherwise pristinely ordered plantings. A small pile of gardening tools leans against some steep flagstone steps that lead up to a thatch-roofed cottage resting upon the sloping hillside. You also see a glittering sapphire pony and a pool of blackened ooze swirled with sapphire glitter.
Obvious paths: none.

A glittering sapphire pony:

Standing about as tall as a large dog, this tiny pony is a strikingly vibrant blue.  
Its mane and tail sparkle with shiny-silvered glitter, an effect mimicked in its starry eyes.  
As you look at it, you notice the pony staring intently back at you.  It's kind of creepy.

[Persida's Home, A Cozy Retreat]
A lush mural of treetop vistas covers the entirety of one wall and a large portion of the ceiling in this cozy little enclave. Complementing the room's dominant verdant hues, a set of stripped willow chairs sits on either side of a matching table to face a rough-cut stone fireplace. Brightly painted green bookshelves flank the doorway, a myriad of eye-catching baubles interspersed between the various tomes held within.
Obvious exits: none.

On the stripped willow table
Item Price Done
bottle of Rakash golden ale 0   !!
fried apple fritter 0   
baked apple 0   
fratvarit 0   !!

Can pick:

On the green bookshelves you see some plainly-bound tomes, some waste disposal manuals, some home repair texts, 
some anatomy compendiums, some dancing pivuh figurines, a petrified monkey's paw, an etched brass cube and a large alabaster egg.

An etched brass cube:

The cube appears to be some sort of complex three-dimensional puzzle.  Odd geometric glyphs line its sides, 
their acid-etched forms darkening the polished brass facing to a deep black along their paths.  An unsettling hum 
rises in your ears as you look upon the cube, and you feel your heart beating heavily in your chest.  You tear your 
eyes away from it, hoping upon hope to end the nearly overpowering sensations.

A lush mural:

Vibrant blue-green pivuh can be seen within the dense foliage, frolicking between the branches.

[Persida's Home, Laboratory]
Every surface in this overly sterile chamber gleams with highly polished steel, from the walls lined with instrument racks to the floor which has been arrayed with assorted drains and chutes. A large operating table sits directly in the room's center, heavy shackles situated at each of its corners. The muffled sound of running water permeates the area, echoing against the metal to hollow effect. You also see a steel ladder leading up to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
Obvious exits: none.

On the operating table
Item Price Done
jelly-filled Human-shaped creampuff 0   !!
Zoluren white tea 0   !!
cup of lemonroot tea 0   DG