Item:Oaken icon of the goddess Asketi

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oaken icon of the god Asketi
Look: A thin grey hag sits astride a black unicorn. She wields a spear, lodged deep in the body of a fat merchant, whose treasures lie strewn about.
Weight: 30 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 14,315 Kronars11,452 Lirums <br />10,329.704 Dokoras <br />14.315 LTBpoints <br />14.315 Tickets <br />14.315 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Sold by Sputkin's (2) for 10,330 Dokoras
Source is Sputkin's Splendors (6), Sputkin's Splendors (5), Sputkin's Splendors (4), Sputkin's (3), Sputkin's (2), Sputkin's (1), Iormethani's Godly Objects (2), Iormethani's Godly Objects (1)