Lady Atladene's Salon

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[Lady Atladene's Salon, Parlor]
Paintings of famous heroes hang upon the walls of the salon's expansive parlor. Young Elven men and women move silently amongst the patrons, replenishing glasses and taking orders. Crystal and gold lamps filled with azure oil offer illumination, and a wide hearth provides warmth in the bitterest of weather. Music floats in from behind a rosewood screen in the northeast corner, and a private booth off to one side allows for more intimate discussion. You also see a rosewood door, the garden door, and a corridor leading back to the entryway.

......Welcome to Lady Atladene's Salon
1   - Cherry Juice................50 D
2   - Chilled Lemonade............80 D
3   - Fine Brandy................150 D
4   - Vanilla Bean-Spiked Cream...90 D
5   - Tomato Juice................60 D
6   - Carrot Juice................65 D
7   - Shredded Jellyfish Soup....150 D
8   - Dried Kelp..................40 D
9   - Stuffed Grape Leaves........60 D
10  - Brussel Sprout Bisque.......60 D
11  - Curried Lentil Beans........50 D

'*Note* This shop is for premium account holders. *Note*'

This shop is in Shard on Ranik's Map 67.