Post:Area spawn cap- game wide problem when PCs dance with 4. - 6/21/2009 - 2:34:53

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Re: Area spawn cap- game wide problem when PCs dance with 4. · on 6/21/2009 2:34:53 AM 1744
> This will in no way stop people from needing, and trainging, MO. People are "forced" to dance with multiple creatures for hours for their defenses in general foremost, and as something that is absolutely vital to moving up in the hunting chain, taking out guild req's wont change this at all.

And defense experience, as I mentioned, is high on the list of things that need to be fixed. To be completely honest, MO is the problem child of combat in many ways. For example, MO factors in the circle of the player and the level of the critter in the calculations, not just skill. There may be other things in the game that do this, but if so I haven't found them yet. In any case, this is a Bad Thing (tm) in combat, since circle/level and combat skill can be and often are worlds apart. Add to this the fact that MO not only penalizes defenses but is a vital part of determining experience for some defenses, and we have a fairly big mess.

I am not saying MO should go away or be useless. Far from it. However, I do not think it is necessarily a good skill to -require- people to train, because it does force them to mindlessly dance with multiple critters. I realize I am a very strange individual, but I would far prefer that the bulk of combat actually involved, you know, fighting...not stand around yawning while a horde of gibbering goblin goons try to kill you.

As far as defenses go, the goal is to make them as quick and easy to train as offenses, so that dancing should no longer really be required or even encouraged. By the time you kill enough critters to get your offenses moving nicely, your defenses should likewise be in good shape. Extended dancing for defenses is something that needs to go the way of the dodo.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Creatures of Elanthia (10) - Complaints - Creatures (5), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.