Post:Commodities/Contracts Rewrite - 08/20/2011 - 15:11

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Re: Commodities/Contracts Rewrite · on 08/20/2011 03:11 PM CDT 1197
>>I hope we don't have to get a different ledger.

Old ledgers should be just fine. I'll rewrite them but the actual item won't need to be replaced.

>>Also, at the con you mentioned almanacs. Do you feel comfortable expanding on them?

Sure! Almanacs will probably end up being pages in a ledger actually. Almanacs will likely be a something you can purchase with reputation at a faction. An almanac will track the last in-game day's opening prices so you can get an idea of what the state of the market was. This should help inform you of new TPs that you haven't explored in a zone. The city-based zones will likely give you an almanac for free.

I also have vague plans with respect to a web page that you can use to view a much wider timeframe of historical information (I'm thinking 30 days or so). That's even farther down the line than factions though, so I wouldn't at all take it a a promise.

This message was originally posted in The Traders \ General Discussions -- Traders, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.