Post:Commodities/Contracts Rewrite - 08/19/2011 - 00:05

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Re: Commodities/Contracts Rewrite · on 08/19/2011 12:05 AM CDT 1176
Will there be interprovience goods, such as good XYZ can only be bought in Crossing and sold in Shard?

There will be some things that are bought or sold exclusively at a specific TP, but those lines may not be province-specific.

The entire game will be getting TPs - The Islands, P5, etc.

As for tie-ins with crafting, that's kind of a 'stage 2' project. I want to get everything working properly before I start really working on tying it into the crafting system. I have some ideas there, and I DO want it to happen, but it's too far down the road to know exactly how it will turn out.

Experience will not rely on distance, but instead will rely on the amount of profit you earn on a unit of goods. For instance, if you buy something at 500 and sell it at 500, you'll get a very marginal (or possibly trivial) amount of experience. If you buy it at 500 and sell it for 1500, you'll get a much more substantial amount of experience. I don't have exact numbers balanced out yet but you'll be rewarded in money and experience for finding good deals.

Distance won't be an explicit factor, but it will be the case that the best profit will, barring some extreme events, have you traveling a decent distance.

This message was originally posted in The Traders \ General Discussions -- Traders, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.