Post:Combat 3.0 Update - 02/06/2012 - 10:48

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Re: Combat 3.0 Update · on 02/06/2012 10:48 AM CST 1275
> I require the CIRCLE while grappled command to keep the 'throw them off balance' messaging.

For the most part, I intend to keep as much of the current messaging intact as possible, albeit with more toggle options to control what you do and do not see. I love circling while grappled too. Always a great time! I'd love to put in something where you can circle like this three times, then shove off to send the enemy flying into the next room! Well, at least a distance away! :-P

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements, by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.