Post:Binding/Invoking - 07/11/2011 - 09:38

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Re: Binding/Invoking · on 07/11/2011 09:38 AM CDT 1012
>>Any chance we could get some details on the enchanting system to come?

We don't want to give out too much information while the system is still in a state of flux, but I can clarify a few things from a thematic point of view.

Enchanting is intended to provide a range of effect potential across all 3 of the enchanting disciplines. Runecrafting is so named, not because it only allows you to create runes, but because it involves a fairly physical process of etching sigils in tangible objects to create functional magical patterns. Binding represents an evolution of runecrafting principles, as enchanters learned that functional patterns could exist in realms beyond the physical. It is called Binding to describe the process of overlaying sigils onto an internal magical pattern and binding them there. Invoking came into practice in response to a demand for magical devices that require no training to use. Through a combination of structural modifications, sigil application, and introduction of a driving force, invoked enchantments are more or less self powered.

In general, runecrafted enchantments require the use of both mana and arcana skill to use. Examples might include runes, cambrinth, or any other devices that involves active participation and control on the part of the user. Bound enchantments are more like the way CJ currently operates - the pattern is there, but requires arcana skill to control. Invoked enchantments target things more along the line of how Polo cloaks work - automatically with no use involvement.

If you look at the concept of a flaming sword, this enchantment could be viable in all three models:
Runecrafted: user charges the sword with power, augmenting its effectiveness and duration
Bound: user applies the appropriate verb to their sword, lighting it aflame for a fixed duration
Invoked: sword bursts into flame whenever it strikes a target

Obviously the effectiveness of each case would be balanced accordingly. Those kinds of details are still in a state of flux.

>>I'm up for this as well. Any chance the enchanting system will include some type of Locate blocker?

One of the main challenges of making an enchanting system is not just creating a crafting system, but ensuring that there are enough viable enchantments to make the system worthwhile while still maintaining variety amongst all users. There isn't yet a cohesive list of all enchantments to come, but suggestions are always welcome. My current schedule makes it difficult to keep up with the forums and collate all suggestions, but hopefully at some point in the near future I will be at a position to start soliciting ideas more actively.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Enchanting Skill, by DR-LOHKRIAN on the forums.