Post:Berserk Cost Bugs - 02/20/2013 - 18:56

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Re: Berserk Cost Bugs · on 02/20/2013 06:56 PM CST 967
>>Much thanks to Squanto for helping me put these data points together. There seems to be some very inconsistent bugs with the way berserk cost is calculated. All of these data points were assembled by counting the hash marks > of meditate power. All of these readings were in combat.

Excess Inner fire leaks about 4-5 ticks each time the system pulses (every few minutes). This leakage is vastly reduced when engaged in combat. I bet you were not engaged, and so the leak pulse combined with the pulse from your form was making things look very odd.

I just completed a lengthy test of berserk startup costs and could find no randomness or corruption causing differing results. Not to say they don't exist, but they aren't easy to reproduce.

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ Bugs - Barbarians, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.