Post:Faiths - 03/10/2013 - 12:52

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Faiths · on 03/10/2013 12:52 PM CDT 1174
Some old posts I dug up on these. Seems like they made QC and died there.

_______________ The Faith System 3/26/2007

Greetings Everyone,

It is with a little hesitation that I announce this as my standing policy is to announce and release together. But, I feel since this will end up on the 2007 Goals page along with a few others, I needed to say a little about it. This is also something folks have been waiting a while for.

This year, the P-Team will be releasing the Faith System (loose association to Auras). It will be a collection of abilities focused around the paladins faith in him/herself and the gods they serve. These abilities will be very intrinsic in nature to the paladin. You will not see damage dealing abilities here. You will see things that might enhance damage being dealt though along with other features.

Here is how the Faith system will work:

The abilities will not be restricted by circle. They will all have a soul pool cost. If you have a large enough soul pool to handle the cost, you will be able to use the ability. The abilities will also have a maintenance cost. So, you will be able to maintain the effect in place as long as you have enough left in the soul pool to cover the cost at each pulse. Some abilities will have different levels that are associated to circle. So, a 100th circle paladin will gain the effects at level 3 where a 50th circle paladin will be at level 2. Obviously, the more powerful the ability, the higher the cost to the soul pool.

So, keep in mind that your soul pool is what powers your Lead, Smite, Glyphs and some Protects. Now, with a Faith based ability going, that will cause it to drain down as well (much faster). It will all boil down to CHOICE. Do you want to reap the benefits of a Faith ability, or be able to use your other abilities. The system is designed intentionally for it to be a choice. There is always option C too. Use a Faith ability in moderation and that reserves some of your soul pool for other abilities.

All abilities will be subject to global caps.

There is no limit on the number of abilities that can be created. The only limitation on the abilities themselves is it has to make sense for a paladin to be able to wield it and the ability must be intrinsic in nature. The abilities themselves will be generated from the gods. Each god has a lighter and darker aspect. So, each ability will have a lighter and darker aspect.

What does this mean? Here is a very simple example:

Young Paladin A activates ability B. If Paladin A has a positive soul state, he/she will receive a lvl 1 increase to strength. If Paladin A has a negative soul state, he/she will receive a lvl 1 increase to stamina. Paladin A must have enough points in his/her soul pool to cover the initial cost. After that, as long as there are enough points in the pool for each pulse, the enhancement will continue. Paladin A can end the effect at any time.

Basically, soul state is what will determine what effect you receive. Some abilities will be restricted to certain soul state regions. You might need to be very good or very bad to activate certain abilities.

This is a very basic explanation of what is planned for the system. I am not going to get very specific with details at this time. Once the system structure is in place, I will begin on the abilities. As they are completed, they will be plugged into the system.


GM Nehros

OK, we have a piece of paper, a paper clip and a straw. Let's build a tank _________________________

Faith Preview 7/4/2007

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to give you guys a quick preview of the Faith System and a Faith. As I get closer to a release date, I will put out more information on the system itself. The Core system is set and now it is a matter of approving/creating/plugging in the Faiths. I also have another smaller project that will come with the Faith system release.

GM Nehros

>rub soul You rub the soulstone...

It gleams brightly with a pristine luminescence!

>pray to chadatru for fortitude Focusing your thoughts on Chadatru and his many virtues, you beseech the god for a favor of fortitude. A light mist swirls around your body and then you feel as though you have the strength of ten men! > You sense the Faith of Fortitude pulsing through your body. > You sense the Faith of Fortitude pulsing through your body. >pray check You sense the Fortitude faith upon you. >pray stop As the Faith of Fortitude expires, you feel the extra strength leeched from your body. ______________________________

I edited this one to take out some unrelated items, or things that have already been done.

After Simucon 2007

Hello Everyone!

I'm finally back from the Con and conscious! I wanted to thank everyone that attended. I had a great time and I hope the paladins in attendance feel their time at the round table was well spent. Feedback on the process and thoughts for next year will be appreciated.

For those that did not attend, we started with a list of completed work and what is currently being forged. We then identified "hot topics" and discussed those. Once the hot topics were covered, we explored other looser topics.

Completed Items:

Soul Pool now supports a negative range for Soul States that are darker. Pray verb modified to support Faith system Core Faith mechanics (Submitting to QC shortly) Rutilor's Edge spell (In QC)

On the Forge:

Faith #1 Faith #2 Faith #3 HW Quest depart site for the last stage of the quest Note This depart site will also offer the ability to gain favors HW Icon distribution system A device to measure a negative soul state (soul stone concept)

Priorities for P-Team:

Faith System (including associated guild lore) HW Icons TM/SPell model

Below I'm going to list all of the items we discussed (that I remembered to write down) so that the folks who did not attend can get an idea of what went on. I'm listing everything that was discussed. The list below is not an endorsement or statement of work. It was our discussion session.



- Faiths. The gods will bestow faiths based on your soul state. There will be a variety of Faiths available. Some gods will bestow a light and dark feature of a faith. Some gods will provide only a light or dark feature of a faith. There will be more light based faiths then there will be dark based faiths. Faiths will be available to all paladins right out of the gate. You will need to have a large enough soul pool to start and power the faith.

- Nexus Faiths. These are faiths that will work best in groups of paladins but can be used individually as well. NOTE This is only an example with arbitrary numbers. Nexus of Sight. Let's say we have a group of 4 paladins. Each is using the Nexus of Sight. Three paladins are following the fourth. The NoS provides a 15% boost to perception. If each paladin has 100 ranks of perception, this means a bonus of 15 ranks. If used individually, the NoS boosts the paladins perception to 115 ranks. If used in a group of paladins following a paladin, those 15 ranks go to the leader (so, we see a boost of 15+15+15+15) or 60 ranks and the leader is boosted to 160 ranks of perception. The following paladins each receive a hex of 15 ranks (sacrifice) so their perception drops to 85 ranks. NOTE we'd need to explore options with global caps among other things. Group size is not limited.

- Possible shared paladin/cleric faiths to allow them to work together to achieve certain goals. (Thinking on this)

Other items:

- A Holy Shield quest. (No objections. Would be a higher level quest, maybe 75th or 100th. Need to think on it and put a proposal together.)

- Holy Weapon Icon quest/distribution set higher. 40-50th circle (Original plan was to allow the quest from 20-30 due to the lack of prayer badges IG for players. Prayer badges can now be purchased in a cleric shop, so I will be moving the quest/icon out to 40-50th circle.) ______________________

Anyway, just some history and ideas to spur further development.

This message was originally posted in The Paladins \ Paladin Suggestions, by SEBESTYEN64 on the forums.