Post:Estate Holder Meeting 1/27/09 - 2/6/2009 - 2:25:39

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Re: Estate Holder Meeting · on 2/6/2009 2:25:39 AM 6380
Tiesse and I had a fun little conversation about this last night.

At some point back in the day, one of our predecessors coined the "Estate Holder" and "Estate Holder Council" phrases. Over the years, they became representatives of Premium players as a whole, not exclusively those that actually own homes.

In one sense, we could be considered a group of elite citizens with the potential in our various family lines to own land. Whether or not we choose to claim that land is up for us to decide.

Being such elite folk in society, it also makes sense that there would be a representative body that would cater to our whims with special merchants and treatment -- shops in the Seacaves, selective access to certain events, etc.

We run into confusing problems with the name in IC terms when we start dealing with things like hunting areas. I'm sure as the gremlins invaded the Derbycrop farmlands and set it ablaze, that blasted guard at the gate leading in was shooing people away because they couldn't show proof of their lineage as an Estate Holder. WHO CARES if you can show papers or not when an entire family is being slaughtered and their home and way of life set ablaze? Get anyone and everyone in to save them for crying out loud!

In the end, it's up to each of us to figure out how we justify these sorts of things. For myself, it's easier to think of us as a collection of special citizens (like an order, a clan or a house) that got stuck with a funny name than solely as people owning (or having the potential to own) a home.

My two Kronars.

ASGM Zadraes
Premium Liaison
ALAE GM (Platinum)
Logistics Lead

This message was originally posted in Estate Holders of Elanthia \ General Discussions - Estate Holders of Elanthia, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.