Post:Engagement - 12/15/2012 - 12:09

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Re: Engagement · on 12/15/2012 12:09 PM CST 829
After 6 months of investigating engagement, no viable system that works for PvE without destroying PvP (or vice versa) seems possible within the game engine constraints.

If we allow ranged users Hangback, melee users will never have a chance.

If we allow charge to melee abilities, ranged users will never have a chance.

An engagement system consisting of various times to advance and skill checks exacerbates the problem. You'll still have plenty of examples where someone can hang back at missile range forever, shooting off a billion arrows and single-handedly destroying every last lifeform in the realms.

Despite this some changes had to be made, so retreat was given a small (but stacking) OF penalty. This allows you to either stand at melee and shoot your bow at people, or periodically retreat while incurring a to-hit penalty.

I would like to see Hangback become an ability where you can avoid contact with critters for a short time, with a cooldown. It would be less useful against players in order to keep PvP fair and competitive. Changes to Hangback and engagement in general will wait until 3.0 is out and we have more feedback on the system.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ General Discussions, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.