Post:Death and You - 11/22/2009 - 18:30:17

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Re: Death and You · on 11/22/2009 6:30:17 PM 294
>>I'd be more curious what the Necromancer interpretation of it is.

The vast majority of Philosophers have never died before, or if they have, they squeezed by with their physiological resuscitation magic rather than depart and face the gods. Soul business is something they very pointedly ignore, recognizing spiritual necromancy as naked demon worship and evil power for the sake of evil power.

The Philosophers do not know what it is that would save them from judgment, most of them do not care to know. If there's Something out there that intervenes on the spiritual plane, that's certainly very nice of it, but acknowledging any sort of debt to it is just going to end in madness and tears.

After all, demons can only affect you if you let them, right?


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) \ Abilities - Necromancers (7), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.