Post:High Priestess Tallis and the Defense Mechanism Log - long - 4/19/2009 - 00:54:58

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High Priestess Tallis and the Defense Mechanism Log - long · on 4/19/2009 12:54:58 AM 3971
[High Priestess' Quarters, Defense Control]

Two large cambrinth-framed mirrors -- one oval, the other rectangular -- seem out of place as the only attempt at decoration in this chamber. A rounded marble console emerges fluidly from the wall as though part of the same stone, or sculpted by magic. Atop the console, a series of unusual gems are arrayed on the surface of a bronze panel. You also see a reinforced oak door and an iron-bound door. Also here: High Priestess Tallis. Obvious exits: none.

Tallis swirls her hand over the gems atop a marble console, causing them to emit sparkles of holy light.

The delicate web of sunstone on the bronze panel shimmers with amassing energies, seemingly rising and falling in accord with Tallis's humming.

Tallis gingerly rests both hands on a bronze panel and closes her eyes in concentration.

<Tashya and Exiar enter> Tallis says, "Ah, hello." Exiar says to Tashya, "Jaelia would have killed me." Tashya says, "Morning. Who's Jaelia?" Exiar says, "Greetings. A good friend."

Exiar asks, "Has it been decided to activate the system?" Tallis says, "Yes, indeed." Exiar says, "I'm not sure if that is good or bad news...."

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the opal to the rest of the gems except the diamond.

Tallis says, "We are preparing the defenses. Lately, there is not a day I do not receive most harrowing news. The Undead are at our gates, the Bloodworm showed its accursed face, and Necromancers become increasingly brazen."

Tallis swirls her hand over the gems atop a marble console, causing them to emit sparkles of holy light.

Exiar asks, "I assume more charging will need to be done soon?"

The delicate web of sunstone on the bronze panel shimmers with amassing energies, seemingly rising and falling in accord with Tallis's humming.

Tallis says, "My handmaidens returned from the Keep. The Prince has been of great aid with the maintenance of the temple defenses."

Tallis makes a graceful sign of benediction with her hand.

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the emerald to the rest of the gems except the ruby.

Tallis continues to hum a solemn psalm, her eyes sparkling with pride at her hard-earned skill.

Tallis says, "I have a very difficult decision to make. An extreme decision, some might say."

Tallis sighs.

Exiar asks, "Oh?"

Tallis says, "There is going to be a meeting with the Prince in two or three weeks. It will be settled then."

The delicate web of sunstone on the bronze panel shimmers with amassing energies, seemingly rising and falling in accord with Tallis's humming.

Tallis says, "Here at the temple, and it will be open to all."

Tallis finishes humming a solemn psalm.

Tashya asks, "An open meeting, in Crossings?"

Tallis says, "I am sure my priests will make the city aware of the details."

Tallis nods to Tashya.

Tashya says, "That's like asking for trouble."

Tashya chortles softly at some secret joke.

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the pearl to the rest of the gems except the aquamarine.

Tallis says, "I worry much. I worry not for the temple, but for the citizens outside our walls."

Tashya nods in agreement.

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the sapphire to the rest of the gems except the amethyst.

Tallis asks, "Tell me, did the Necromancer's generals break through the city walls at any point?"

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the diamond to the rest of the gems except the opal.

Exiar says, "I had been in the West recently, they haven't while I've been in the city."

Tallis swirls her hand over the gems atop a marble console, causing them to emit sparkles of holy light.

Tallis gives a slight nod.

Tallis effortlessly begins to hum a solemn psalm, her eyes sparkling with pride at her hard-won skill.

The delicate web of sunstone on the bronze panel shimmers with amassing energies, seemingly rising and falling in accord with Tallis's humming.

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the ruby to the rest of the gems except the emerald.

Tallis ponders.

Tashya says, "They seem pretty attached to a section of the Nothern Trade Route, even if they are lesser undead. If anything stronger starts to stick around, travel will get difficult."

Tallis says, "I will also have to ask Jelna to keep a close eye on the demon."

Tallis frowns slightly.

Tashya asks, "D-demon?"

Tallis says, "Maelshyve."

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the aquamarine to the rest of the gems except the pearl.

<Gremtrak and Zreon entered>

Gremtrak says, "We've come to seek an audience, if you've the time an inclination."

Tallis says, "Greetings, children. As soon as I finish this, surely."

Gremtrak nods.

Tallis swirls her hand over the gems atop a marble console, causing them to emit sparkles of holy light.

Gremtrak asks, "Shall we wait in your office, or adjacent to it?"

Tallis says, "You may wait here."

Gremtrak nods.

Gremtrak bows to Tallis.

Tallis says, "As I was saying."

Tashya says, "I was just curious if it was just a mirror."

Tallis says, "We have not seen anything tangible that points at the demon's involvement, but... Necromancers are not capable of achieving this magnitude of power on their own. Remember Archrost the Pawn."

Exiar nods.

Tallis swirls her hand over the gems atop a marble console, causing them to emit sparkles of holy light.

Tallis gingerly rests both hands on a bronze panel and closes her eyes in concentration.

Exiar asks, "Can you tell us anything about how the defense system actually works?"

On the bronze panel, a sextuple arc of silver electricity leaps from the amethyst to the rest of the gems except the sapphire.

Tallis says, "There. Finished."

Gremtrak says, "Thats what we're here about as well"

<Others arrived>

Tallis says, "We can move to my office now." <Groups move to her office>

[High Priestess' Quarters, Office] A dark wooden desk sits before a small window that looks over the temple below. Bronze braziers stand to either side of an iron-bound door, their glowing embers providing light and warmth to the office of the key religious leader of the province. Two wooden chairs provide a place to sit for those who would seek advice or counsel with the High Priestess of the great temple. You also see a looming Shadow Servant and a mahogany door. Also here: Enforcer Ariyan who appears to be carved from crystal, Fala Sorgin Melvosis, Initiate Moon Mage Thliouns, Fate's Flunkie Caelumia, Sage Zreon, Heartless Exiar, Nightingale Tashya, Monk Gremtrak, High Priestess Tallis who is sitting. Obvious exits: none.

Gremtrak says, "Well, Zreon here thought it'd be a good idea to make sure the temple defenses were in place. In the course of our wandering about, I discovered a discrepancy. There's three of the cambrinth orbs marked on me map, only two present. Was wonderin if p'raps the system's not completed, or if my map is merely dated, or..."

Tallis says, "There are three, yes."

Cyiarriah says, "There's two orbs and a sphere."

Gremtrak says, "Ah"

Tallis asks, "I had sent a priest to the town meeting to explain some aspects of the temple defenses. Was he present?"

Heartsfyre says, "Yes Ma'am He was."

Exiar says, "He gave a brief discussion, but missed a good number of attendees unfortunately. And anyone that wasn't there I suppose."

Caelumia says, "Mentioned that some kind of key would be handed out to certain people with regards to the temple."

Gremtrak asks, "Was wonderin if there's a particular method to chargin up the orbs?"

Tallis says, "As for the keys... They will not be handed out. Holding the favor of the gods in your grasp will be sufficient for your entrance."

Caelumia says, "Very good."

Gremtrak says, "Zreon and meself put hundreds of mana inta em, didn't manage to dent its capacity. P'raps we need to organize the charging of the orbs an' sphere."

Caelumia says to Gremtrak, "Zreon mentioned that to me."

Tallis says, "Indeed. They are quite massive. And they are only the visible parts of the device."

Tallis says, "Once the Prince and I make a more grave decision at the meeting, I will activate the Beacon and the Shield."

Gremtrak says, "Exiar has some information, a vigil of sort is being planned we think."

Tallis says, "I pray to the gods that it does not come to that decision, however."

Tallis sighs.

Cyiarriah peers quizzically at Tallis.

Exiar says, "Unless it was canceled, which I believe unlikely."

Ariyan asks, "Beacon and the shield, interesting. what hopes plan to come from that?"

Caelumia says to Ariyan, "The temple won't get overrun, presumably. If the defenses hold. But she did knock down the Barrier, so er..."

Ariyan says, "I've seen Tachid knock down many a barrier"

Tallis says, "It might be worth noting that the Great Barrier is, or was, of partly Life magic."

Caelumia says, "It's temporary at best. Unless something is done about her."

Caelumia says to Tallis, "It was a lot of different kinds of magic. Which I find kind of interesting on its own."

Tallis nods to Caelumia.

Binu asks Tallis, "Priestess, is there a supply of naphtha on hand in case we have to deal with the undead in the temple?"

Tallis ponders.

Tallis says, "We do not have a supply of naphtha, no."

Binu says to Tallis, "I will procure some then"

Exiar says, "There had been talk of putting some in the supplies tent."

Ariyan says to Tallis, "with perversion in the midst, it would be safe to say that the barrer might be more defenseless then ever"

Binu asks Tallis, "Is there a place I can store it here in the temple?"

Exiar says, "If anyone did, you can check there."

Caelumia says, "The tent, probably. Getting overrun by undead and we get a...tent.He is very thoughtful."

Exiar says, "Supply tent just inside the gates."

Melvosis says, "Vorclaf is as charming as ever I see"

Binu says, "The tent is good and all, but I would like a place in the temple itself for storage"

Caelumia says, "Problem is, burning the foot soldiers only er...stops the foot soldiers. It's kind of effective against Tachid and his buddies, but they still get right back up."

Binu asks Tallis, "Maybe the keepers of the temple can arrange a bin for us to use in a defensible spot?"

Gremtrak asks, "At any rate, is there any additional information you think we'd need before we set about chargin up the apparatus?"

Caelumia says, "We need to start researching permanent solutions. And does your grave decision have to do with anything like that, I wonder?"

Gremtrak says, "Then I see your leave Madame, and appreciate your counsel."

Tallis says, "My decision will have to do with...Cleansing."

Caelumia says to Tallis, "Any kind of holy magic you want to throw at her is going to need to be powerful enough to leave a crater. A big one."

Zreon says to Tallis, "Thank you for your time."

Tallis says, "I am afraid I must return to temple matters now. Thank you for bringing up your concerns."

Tallis says, "I will try to speak with the Prince before the meeting. Until next time."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by RANTHIL1 on the forums.