Post:Healing Herbs and foraging - 06/30/2013 - 02:06

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Re: Healing Herbs and foraging · on 06/30/2013 02:06 AM CDT 1435
Every herb type for healing an area will be forageable. They might not be in the areas you want them to be, but we can work on optimizing that once things go live.

The exception to this is herbs that heal the following areas:

All external wounds (Rare)
All internal wounds (Rare)
All external scars (Rare)
All internal scars (Rare)
All external and internal wounds (VRare)
All external and internal scars (VRare)
All wounds and scars, internal and external (OMGRare)

My hope is to make these randomly pop up while foraging, similar to rare metal bonus pops while mining. And of course, you'll find them available at festivals, auctions and as quest prizes.

Red and Blue flowers will also be making a variety of fun things.

Does anyone know if Sage, Lavendar or Chamomile are useful for anything in old crafting?

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Alchemy Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.