Post:Hard Blacksmithing Items - 4/25/2011 - 11:04:36

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Re: Hard Blacksmithing Items · on 4/25/2011 11:04:36 AM 8573
Yeah, right now [ work orders ] are randomly assigned. I can look into adjusting that as things get further along.

As your skill approaches the border of a transition in work order difficulty, that kind of WO will get easier. Then once you cross over it is going to pop up and be harder. There is some randomness to the WO difficulty, and I tried to err on the side of 'too easy', versus 'too hard'.

I'll take a look at the specific ranges you mentioned. This kind of feedback is definately what we need to get things perfect.

This message was originally posted in Lore (5) \ Smithing Skill (16), by DR-KODIUS on the forums.