Post:Guild Hierarchy Lore - 6/20/2009 - 5:41:58

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Re: Guild Hierarchy Lore · on 6/20/2009 5:41:58 AM 16017
>>Maybe we could get like, some kind of profile on that Lord of The Void guy who apparently *isn't* in charge or anything but nonetheless has a ridiculous title?

The LotV is currently MIA/on LOA, depending on how you want to view it.

>>I'd ask for some more Grovekeeper stuff but I have a vague idea that some of that was forthcoming 'soon,' anyway. We have this big guild theme of "duty" and our quasi-military establishment but for the most part we don't really seem to know anything about the people over the heads of the guild leaders.

The Grovekeeper and other caretakers lean more toward quasi-religious fanaticism and less toward military focus. I was considering writing a couple of in-game books to establish their relationship to the Guildleaders and the guild in general, but have not yet set pen to parchment.

- GM Wythor

This message was originally posted in The Warrior Mages (35) \ General Discussions - Warrior Mages (3), by DR-WYTHOR on the forums.