Post:General weapon rant incoming. - 03/10/2013 - 11:08

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Re: General weapon rant incoming. · on 03/10/2013 11:08 AM CDT 3561
Full aim currently gives an OF bonus, and this usually increases your chance to-hit. The problem is a poorly balanced weapon works just as well as a well balanced weapon if you have enough agility or OF vs DEF ratio.

My plan is for weapon balance and aim to continue modifying OF, and OF vs defense will continue to determine the to-hit chance.

Then full aim will reduce the chance of a critical miss, as will good weapon balance. A capped balanced weapon would miss 50% less than it does now with capped OF. A 0-balance weapon would miss 50% more. Please keep in mind that we're talkng only about the chance to critical miss, which is a few % at best.

This also opens the door for special attacks that reduce the chance of a critical miss as a nice bonus...

Blunt weapons have much higher force, and tend to stun ur knockdown 5-6x as much as bladed weapons. This became very apparent yesterday when a single horseshoe thrower stun-locked down a champion boss for the better part of 2 minutes (I've since fixed bosses to handle this...). I feel this is an excellent trade off for a greater chance to critical miss.

Blunt weapons also have a singular-higher damage stat which grants superior armor penetration.

So I dunno, blunt weapons are in many ways superior to blades. Folks just don't seem to favor them as much.

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ General Discussions, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.