Post:More Alchemy Thoughts - 06/09/2013 - 12:59

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More Alchemy Thoughts · on 06/09/2013 12:59 PM CDT 3703
Howdy folks. Here is a status update on things:

Alchemy Remedy Core - Done
Tool effects and handling - Done
Technique Lists - Done
Salve Making - Done
Potion Making - In Progress
Remedy Enhancements - Not Started
Catalyst Mixing - In Progress
Foraging Rewrite for Remedy Herbs/Catalysts - Done
Pyramid and Mortar/Pestle conversion - Done
Remedy Healing - Done
Remedy Toxicity effects - In Progress
Work Orders - Not Started
Creating Remedy Templates - In Progress
Reviewing Forageable Locations - Not Started
Herb Stackers - In Progress
Shop Conversions - Not Started
Messaging - In Progress
Bug Fixing and Usability - In Progress
Alchemy Halls - Not Started

I'm still aiming for a releasing most of this in a few weeks. Really, the shop/area stuff is likely to cause some snags. I might have to settle for 1 room with all the shops crammed into it until I find the time to do more!

My next big hurdle is figuring out how to handle catalyst mixing. I am hitting the same problems I did with Forging, where an averaging of the ingredients results in mostly useless mixes.

So... I am leaning towards having two types of catalysts. Base catalyst and reactive catalysts.

For example, pewter might give you a base of 80 potency, 50 efficacy, 30 solubility and 80 toxicity. If you add another base, they just average out 2:1. I am unable to track the volume of catalyst present, so adding more would just continue to average 2:1. This may be useful in some cases, but there is no grand design behind it.

This is where the reactive catalysts come in. Reactives directly modify the base - no averaging involved. An example might be Diamondique with +5 potency and +3 toxicity. The system will allow you to attempt to add this multiple times, but the difficulty increases each time and a failure results in "bad things" happening.

Unlike weapons, armor and tools - remedies are consumeables so we have greater leeway in how to approach their Tier structure. I figure most casual players will pick a base and not even dabble with reactives. Those players that want to shave 20 seconds off the activation time would chance losing some rare materials in the process.

Completing a Remedy will provide 10 uses of that Remedy, and bundling with a workorder will require you have the full 10 uses present - no more or less. Remedy recipes may require more than 10 prepared herb ingredients depending on the complexity, but much like forging it only uses what is necessary and cuts off the excess and places it on the ground.

I anticipate Storebought herbs being about 10% less effective than those available today. Most last for about 6 minutes and heal 1/3rd of a single body part's max health. The new Tier 3 herbs heal about the same, but take 7 minutes to complete. Of course, player-made herbs will be better and players can choose to focus on any of the 4 stats to varied effects.

To test this out I ensured that a "balanced", "fast acting but weaker", "slow but more healing", "less toxic but weaker", "more toxic and more powerful" options existed for each variety. I'm not sure which of these players will tend to gravitate towards, but am excited to find out!

This message was originally posted in Lore \ General Discussions - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.