Post:Microtrans - A Discussion - 07/22/2011 - 16:44

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Re: Microtrans - A Discussion · on 07/22/2011 04:44 PM CDT 4059
<<Being very open to the idea of microtransactions in DR, I'd also be wary of openly allowing exchange of in-game cash for currency. That would heavily devalue currency, which is already a problem. I support microtransactions depending on execution, but it should be limited to stuff like cosmetic benefits (like a premium subscription for a house) or perhaps the rare weapon or valuable.>>

We likely wouldn't sell plats for cash, since Traders (and Trader Bots) are able to make infinite numbers of plats as it is.

What we would be more likely to do is offer something like a way to buy LTB points for cash (which we technically already do, since we allow people to "backpay" for missed premium time, although this isn't done very much anymore since we moved to the cumulative time system) and then offer more things for people to buy with those points (a LOT more things). "Premium" would be a title reserved for those who chose to keep their subscription the way it is and commit (for however long) to paying the current rate, but non-Premium folks would be able to buy points and spend them on things like special items, private homes, more vault space, perhaps even additional vaults, along with other things that are currently "Premium Benefits" and other things we'd add to the mix. We could even offer extra special things to those who chose to commit to a subscription, like multi-room homes or the like.

The kicker is, it would get to a point that if you bought enough of these perks it would end up costing you more than if you just signed up for Premium and got the "package deal". Kind of like how cable/internet/phone companies do their bundling thing. Sure, if you really want, you can get phone, cable, and internet all from the same place and pay for each individually, but if you go ahead and commit to a plan, you get the same "benefits" for less.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player \ General Discussions, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.