Post:New TDP Method - 10/03/2012 - 14:12

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Re: New TDP Method · on 10/03/2012 02:12 PM CDT 3523
>>I'm honestly curious - what sort of content are you talking about people "missing?"

A lot of it is the varied hunting areas - Since the creatures you fight at low levels train so many ranks so quickly, there's no incentive to explore and find something more interesting to hunt because you spend so little time at any given band. Many hunting areas are empty, and one of the reasons (there are several others, too) is that you can level past them so quickly that you don't really need to visit other ones.

Another side effect of the even distribution of bits from 1/34 to 34/34 is that there's no longer a strong motivation to find something that trains you WELL. All you need is something that trains you at all, and you're more or less fine.

>>If your going to hinder noob learning rates your going to create a separate class of superheros who will be borderline untouchable/unreachable

I'm not talking about slowing them down nearly to the level of the 300+ ranks - It's just that right now, the first 120 ranks get ridiculous bonuses to rank gain. I'm very conscious of not reducing it too low, and as with everything else I'll be monitoring and tweaking to make sure it's the right level.

>>I still don't see why the old proposed TDP formula was scrapped - it was the best solution to minimize the effectiveness of secondary skills being trained, magic primary/secondaries were offsetting the numbers heavily and it's dumb to scrap the best solution presented thus far without considering the facts

...You do realize that 'considering the facts' is what led me to abandon that approach, right? I'll admit that I don't rightly appreciate you calling me 'dumb' for making this decision - Especially given that I have immensely more data than you do.

I'm fully aware that magic grandfathering is increasing the number of TDPs that magic uses are getting. The thing is, grandfathering is going to happen once, and new characters and new ranks will continue happening forever. Additionally, it's folly to argue that magic is significantly easier to train than combat - You don't see TDP farmers sitting in a good mana room all day, you see them in combat keeping 25+ skills running, and they're at about as much risk as sitting in the bank. You're getting upset about something that honestly doesn't scale beyond 3-day (Day DR3 launches?). I just looked at the top 10 TDP losers and only one of them was a NMU. It's really not that bad.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ The Experience System, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.