Post:New TDP Method - 10/03/2012 - 12:19

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Re: New TDP Method · on 10/03/2012 12:19 AM CDT 3509
>>I am just a bit frustrated because once the 125/400 exp was announced (what 2 years or so ago?), I started working my op 3 at the expense of other skills I would enjoy working more. Yes to maximize my tdp gain. I can deal with change, but this to me is one to many.

Yeah, I totally understand. A lot of people worked toward this, but in the end it became really clear that it created too many extremes that would be too impactful.

>>To me the right response to a situation like thit is to spend ZERO GM time on the part of the game that has had 15 years of development and concentrate 100% of your time on what has not. Or am I just strange?

As has been mentioned, this is kind of orthogonal to the discussion at hand.

>>I could have sworn GMs told us not to change how we train.

Yep :(

>>So is the goal to keep newer players at lower levels and slow the pace of their progression through the game, or to put in various changes that allows them to catch up to the HLCs in the game currently?

The goal is to make it more enjoyable. Giving people the ability to speed their way to 150th just to sit on their laurels and wait for new content is absolutely not a good way to do that. The basic supposition is that the leveling speed at the low end is too fast and causes people to miss content (And also not linger there, causing a barren low-level wasteland).

To clarify something that's been floating around, it was never the goal to let people catch up - The concept of 'balancing' was referring to new characters playing together, not a new character and an old one. Trying to make fresh characters equal to old ones is silly.

>>Slowing the game down so people can appreciate 15 year old content seems to be an excuse to not make new content

You keep harping on this. Stop it. We've said time and time again that people ARE working on new content, and also that making this change isn't taking away from those efforts. Find a different thread to tug at, because this one doesn't make sense.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ The Experience System, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.